A Brief Guide to Understand Everything by Max Mische - HTML preview

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Notes on Sources


A View to Everything…

"A Way is a guide" Lao Tzu, Tao te Ching. ca. 400 B.C.

"At any moment" Ashby, F.G. (2003). Cognitive Neuroscience. Retrieved from the University of California at Santa Barbara.

"oral fixation" S igmund F reud, Psychosexual Stage Theory. Three Essays on Sexuality : 1915.

"The adept understands ten" Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Hagakure. 1719.


The Mind & Self

"O neselfthe foundation" Douglas MacArthur

"Self as K nown/Knower" William James, PrinciPles of Psychology. 1890.

"Estrogen" U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services (womenshealth.gov), Menstruation and the Menstrual Cycle. 2002

"Testostero ne" Dr. John M. Berardi, P h.D., The Big T, Pt. II: Hov your Lifestyle influences your Testosterone Levels. 2000.

"Reptile breeding" P hilippe de Vosjoli, The General Care and Maintenance of Ball Pythons. Advanced Vivarium S ystems, 1990

"default sex is female" Allgeier/Allgeier, Sexual Interactions, 2nd Ed. Chapter 5, pg. 125. DC Heath & Co., 1988.

"Soy & Estrogen" Aldercreutz H., Gorbach S. L., Goldin B. R., Woods M. N., Dwyer J. T., Hamalainen E. Estrogen metabolism and excretion in oriental and Caucasian vomen. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 86: 1076– 1082, 1994.

"Testosterone & alcohol" Dr. John M. Berardi, Ph.D., The Big T, Pt. II: Hov your Lifestyle influences your Testosterone Levels. 2000.

"drug dependency " Di C hiara G., Dopamine in disturbances of food and drug motivated behavior: a case of homology? Physiol Behav. 2005 Sep 15; 86(1– 2): 9-10.

"age factors in dopamine" Hemby, Scott E., Trojanowski, John Q., & Ginsberg, Stephen D. Neuron-Specific Age-Related Decreases in Dopamine Receptor Subtype mRNAs. The Journal of ComParative Neurology 456 :176-183 (2003).

"Conditioned response"

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