A Brief Guide to Understand Everything by Max Mische - HTML preview

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A Brief Guide to Understand Everything arose after years of study of multiple disciplines. Initially, I was driven to learn about religion, psychology, economics, strategy, politics, biology, chemistry, physics, and the like as individual subjects for my own personal growth and development. I knew that the more knowledge I acquired, the more I would be able to understand and therefore achieve success in this world.


After a few years of studying, I began to feel as if I was reading the same book, or story, over and over again with only the names of the characters and places differing. Each subject followed similar formulas and patterns that provided a general understanding of each area almost before I even started reading a new book. They all seemed to follow an overall system of laws that dictated each area's existence and survival. They no longer seemed like individual disciplines but instead an overall one.


This is not to say that I could ascertain the specific names of the various principles or things involved with each discipline. However, I could understand the concepts which drove each area. The immense amount of jargon or human coined terminology creates a large roadblock for anyone learning a discipline. Ultimately, all of these names are nothing more than representations of concepts that share similarities.


The basis for the perspective presented in this book was established by my psychological background including my personal study of the world's major religious texts. Most religions present ways of living that are aimed at attaining the good life. Also, most present holistic views of the world in order to provide explanations for its different aspects. As a result of these studies, this book has strong psychological and religious undertones. In many regards