A Different Voice by June Stepansky - HTML preview

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He loved her

for the curve

of her breast,

her pretty smile.

Her chemistry responded

to his wanting her.

They did not expect

that their merging

would forge, link by link

an indestructible melding.


They had not expected

that the children,



that sprang from their mating,

would carry forever

the seeds of their fantasies,

their angers.




For many of us taking care of our responsibilities demands all the energy that we have. We are often so busy that we are not always aware of the ripple effect our actions have on others around us especially our children both in the present and in their future. It is important to realize that while we must take care of our own needs we should also be aware of how our actions and the emotional climate of the environment we create can affect in future years our children, our grandchildren, and even their children.




What a man sows, that shall he and his family reap.

Clarissa Graves.
