A Different Voice by June Stepansky - HTML preview

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 Acceptable Risks


My doctor says

“I think you

should take estrogen

to prevent osteoporosis

and heart attack.”


I buy my prescription,

but before taking it

I read the label.

May cause increased risk

of breast and uterine cancer.

may cause blood clots,

pain, dizziness, nausea.


I pour some pills

into my palm.

I hold them for a while,

and then

I swallow them.




If the decisions that we must make were either right or wrong, good or bad, they would be easy to decide. Unfortunately many decisions must be made between alternatives which contain both good and bad elements, so our decisions must usually be between less than perfect alternatives, which may all require compromises. We must then decide which decision carries the least risk and the most benefits.


Once our decisions are made we need to move forward again without guilt or recriminations realizing that our decisions will be neither right nor wrong, just the next necessary step in living our lives.




Your life changes the moment you make a new congruent and committed decision.

 Anthony Robbins


A decision without the pressure of consequence is hardly a decision at all.

 Eric Langmu 

