A Different Voice by June Stepansky - HTML preview

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They wheel me to the operating room.

Before the anesthetic overpowers me,

I hear the nurse say,

“I never saw anyone fight so hard.”


I am a quiet fighter,

given to pursuing phantoms,

formidable enemies.


This time I survive

my loss of consciousness,

and go forth, like Don Quixote,

to tilt again

at windmills.


Critical Moments


Although life can often be pleasant, there are also times in our lives which can be very difficult and become almost too overwhelming for us to bear. It is at these critical moments that we must gather all of our resolve and our strength to help get us through these dark periods.


It is especially important to be patient, because with time, patience, strength and renewed effort we will be more easily able to come through these painful challenges and slowly begin again to enjoy the future.




Every morning I wake up saying, I‘m still alive: a miracle.

And so I keep on pushing.

Jacques Cousteau


I count life as just the stuff to try the soul’s strength on.

 Robert Browning 

