A Different Voice by June Stepansky - HTML preview

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 I Want What I Want


I give the waiter my order.

“You sure know

what you want!”, he says.

I have always understood

that what I want is who I am.

I have been patient,

tenacious, and lucky

in the fulfillment

of my choices.


The waiter brings my order.

I smile at him.

After all, it’s exactly

what I wanted.




Knowing what we want is an important component of achieving our goals. Often, because we are influenced by what others want for us, we set goals which we haven’t thought through carefully, but which seem at that moment the easiest to follow. At some point it is essential for our future happiness that we reevaluate these goals to be sure that they are what we really want for ourselves.


When we are in charge of the direction of our lives, we have a better chance to achieve our real desires and to ultimately enjoy those rewards that our choices have made possible. made possible.




If you don’t know where you are going,

you might wind up someplace else.

 Yogi Berra


Your goals are the road maps that guide you

and show you what is possible for your life.

 Les Brown 

