A Shortcut to Success by Bob Huttinga PA-C - HTML preview

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There is a formula for
getting ahead and creating an amazing life

“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.” — Havelock Ellis

The first step to the formula is to change how we remember the past. Let me tell you what that means.

We have created everything we are now experiencing. Remember that we function in one of those three paradigms: Law of Karma, Law of Grace (Let go and let God), and Law of Co-creation.

If there are things in our lives we do not like, it is not because we are here to learn karmic lessons or settle the score with other souls. It is not because we are being punished for past sins or are bad or not in a state of grace.

Most of us have created our lives in innocent ignorance. We do not know what we do not know. We do not know that we can create an amazing life. We do not know how to create an amazing life. We do not know the formula. Some of us do not even know there is a formula. The formula has been discovered and written about many times for thousands of years; however, the majority of people still do not know, understand, or use this formula.

After 35 years of study, trial and error, starting and stopping, pain and joy, I have found a formula that works for me. Will this work for everyone? Yes, I believe it will. It is so simple that I believe it can work for everyone who applies it in the prescribed manner. This formula has three parts and all of them are “secrets” that have been known and used by successful people for a long time. Until now, they have not been taught in this manner, so now you will learn the shortcut to get ahead more quickly and easily.

A few years ago, I attended a medical conference. One of the topics was compliance with the frequency with which prescription medicine is actually taken. The presenter used some simple research. Medicine was dispensed in a bottle with a computer chip in the cap. This chip recorded every date and time when the bottle was opened. The results showed that medicine prescribed once per day had a fairly good chance of being followed; medicines prescribed twice per day were less likely to be taken accurately; and medicines prescribed to be taken three and four times per day were never taken as directed. The presenter also claimed that 40 percent of prescription medicines that were called into a pharmacy were never picked up. I think that percentage is a little high, but I see this situation all the time. People seek and pay for advice every day, but often do not follow it. When one offers advice to someone who does not seek it, that advice is almost never followed.

Why is this? We are humans. All of us operate on a set of mental programs that have brought us to this point in our lives. We have established a comfort zone on which we can rely. And we are often reluctant to try something new, because every time we do, we generate anxiety with a subconscious desire to return to our comfort zone. Becoming aware of this concept will help us move past the anxiety we associate with change.

I once worked with a young woman whose husband physically abused her and their children. Frequently, she would call me after he had beaten her. Once I asked her, “Why don’t you just leave him?” She replied, “I don’t know where to go and, at least, here I know what to expect.”

I was astounded! However, this appears to be the plight of many people who simply do not know that this type of hopeless, fearful thinking promotes and prolongs the situation. Most of the time, they just do not know how to think hopefully, positively, or correctly enough to get themselves out of a bad situation.

Actually, before we can use this formula for creating an amazing life, we must awaken to the fact that change is possible—and that we are responsible for those changes. If we desire change in our lives, we are going to have to make some changes. Nobody is going to do it for us. There is no white knight coming to our rescue. There is no superhero to save the day. We must do it ourselves.

The key point of what we must learn is simply this: Change begins in our conscious mind, which must take control of those old thoughts and change those imprisoning memories that are programmed and stored in our subconscious mind.

This is a simple formula. It is a recipe that is less complicated than taking medicine once a day. Most people can follow this formula, but many will not. Those who will do it, will accept and own these ideas and make them believable. My job in the next few pages is to show you how doable this formula is.