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The Risks of Online Dating


There is no question that the popularity of online dating has revolutionized the way potential couples meet each other. These days, it is not uncommon for the average single person to participate in an online dating service. In fact, this trend is fast becoming the norm. In 2004, it was estimated that residents in the U.S. spent more than $460 million on online dating services.


It goes without saying that online dating is big business in America. There are many reasons why people find this method of meeting new people so appealing. For one thing, everyone is doing it! There are many online dating services and plenty of them offer free services.


The combination of curiosity and the desire to meet new, exciting people is what usually lures individuals to be a part of an online dating service community. But this new activity doesn't come without a price.


Sure it doesn't happen all the time, but just every now and then we hear horror stories about online dating services. Some of them are scary enough to keep casual observers away from these online dating services for good.


One of the problems facing the industry of online dating service is that its participants often misrepresent themselves in the profiles that they create. Not everyone tells the truth. People have been known to lie about everything, including their marital status. Some married individuals try to pass themselves off as single, while others lie about their physical appearance, age, economic status, and even gender.


For an inexperienced online dater, danger lurks at every corner. But there are some safety measures prospective participants can take to help guide them through a safe online dating experience.


Rule of the thumb: most online dating services that offer subscriptions are relatively safer than those that can be accessed for free.Paid membership sites offer a set of requirements and guidelines that aspiring members have to meet.


Some sites are so exclusive that anyone who wants to join has to undergo an intensive screening process first. Background checks are done on aspiring members to make sure the information they have given is true.


Some more safety tips when it comes to online dating:


1. Pay attention to the consistency of the information given by the persons you are corresponding with. This way, you may be able to catch them out in a lie.


2. Online daters should protect their identity. One of the greatest things about online dating is that it offers participants anonymity. Personal information like address, last name and phone number, is not revealed until the participant decides to do so. You should be extremely careful about divulging personal information that will make it possible for the people to locate you.


3. You should immediately cease communication with people who seem obsessed with acquiring personal information about you.


4. Always watch out for warning signs when talking to people, such as: the use of foul language, signs of anger for no apparent reason, elusiveness in answering direct questions, disrespectful remarks, etc. These are some of the symptoms that spell trouble. The person exhibiting these types of behavior may not be trustworthy, and continuing the relationship could be dangerous.


5. Once you agree to meet your date, don't ask them to your home, but meet in a public place that is well-lit, with plenty of other people around.


Online dating is similar to real life dating in the sense that individuals should always practice common sense and caution whenever they meet someone new. Even though the interaction takes place online, once you have revealed personal information about yourself, you can't take it back.


It is best to always use one's instincts and logic when it comes to dealing with other people, even when it comes to online dating. This is where some people fall prey to cheaters, deceivers, and even sexual offenders. They go against their better judgment. If something feels amiss, then this is probably a sign that something could go terribly wrong.


It is best to get out of this situation like this. As the saying goes: "Better be safe than be sorry".  A saying that online dating service participant should always remember.



Benefits of Online Dating Services


In these past few years the trend in dating has changed drastically. Poeple don't hang out in pubs and bars so much, trying to catch a glimpse of a prospective date.


Nowadays, there's a more modern, and organized approach to this mating ritual. Welcome to the world of online dating. There are a lot of advantages to this method.


Singles can meet and greet each other without leaving the refuge of their homes. Sounds crazy, but now this is becoming the preferred way for young people especially, to socialize.


One of the greatest things about online dating is that participants get to specify the exact type of person they are looking for. This can be done by joining a dating online service, or posting a personal profile.


An online dating service is basically  a community of people who gather together to interact, socialize, and make friends with each other. There are a lot of online dating services on the internet.


Some online dating services require participants to subscribe to their websites. The great thing about online dating services that are run by subscription, is that their members are assessed before joining.


Aspiring members are asked to file an application, and are required to meet the guidelines, and requirements that are set by the online dating service. Some online dating services are more discerning than others. A few selected online dating services even require their members to be prescreened before joining. This is done for the safety of the participants. In return, subscribers are asked to make a monthly payment.


Subscribers are often asked to create a profile that relates basic information about themselves. Usually this includes: age, gender, nationality, and place of residence.


For subscribers this also offers them a chance to express themselves. They can get creative with their profiles. They can also include personal information like hobbies, interests, and specify the type of person they are looking for. Profile guidelines vary depending on the online dating service participants choose to partake in.


One of the main reasons people choose to participate in an online dating service, is that so many people are doing it! Technically speaking, this increases an individual's chances of finding the right person that's meant for him or her.


In 2004, it was estimated that people who lived in the US, spent more than $460 million on online dating services. This means, that a lot of people are seriously getting online and spending money, trying to find their potential soul mates.


Also, singles who are a part of an online dating service know that they are there for a reason, which is to meet people, socialize, make friends, and potentially find the love of their lives. So this takes out the guess work of a person's intention out of the equation because everyone who is a part of an online dating community is looking for the same thing.


Also, the availability of an online dating service is irresistible. Individuals can avail of their services 24 hours a day! So participants can log on to their online dating service any hour of the day.


If they are bored, staying in bed because of a sore throat, or they just feel like staying at home on a weekend, they can always check if somebody is trying to contact them through their online dating service. They can browse through other people's profiles and try to seek out the one that strikes their fancy!


There are a lot of online dating services that are absolutely free! This is beneficial to those individuals who are new to the world of online dating services. Those who just want to have some fun and try something new can try out these free services first, and see how it suits them. Later on, they can move on to the more exclusive, by subscription online dating services, once they've gotten the hang of online dating.


It is important to note that with online dating services, not everyone who participates, tells the absolute truth! So it vital for participants to practice caution at all times.


An online dating service doesn't require participants to meet the people they interact with in person. This decision entirely belongs to the participants. So it important to always keep one's wits and practice logic when engaging in these online activities. This will also ensure the safety of online dating participants, and also allow them to have maximum fun!



What Do You Do When Your Online Dating Ad Gets No Response?


For most people who want to be happy with their love life, dating is probably the most important activity to engage in before proceeding to the more serious part like marriage.


Successful dating can make you the happiest person, while a  failed relationship  can be devastating.


No wonder everybody is trying hard to come up with something unique and entertaining when it comes to personal ads. These ads are not the typical ads that people see on televisions or on print medium. Personal ads are more like profiles; the main purpose is also to advertise one’s self.


So what happens if your personal profile, in which you put so much hope, gets no replies after weeks and even months? Wait before you pull down your ad and become afflicted with low self-esteem. All is not lost. You must analyze what went wrong.


Don't get depressed and blame yourself for this apparent failure. Don't blame the failure on the online dating service that you joined. Instead, examine each part of your profile, and see how it can be improved to get your desired result.


If you want to change your apparent failure around and have a knock-out profile,  here is a list of tips that could help:


1. Learn how to describe yourself truthfully and exactly. Think carefully about the things you like to do and dexcribe them accurately. Tell about the kind of person you are. Be specific. If you don't like loud music, say so. If you love animals and have a pet, tell about it. Make sure the other person can easily visualise the kind of person you are.


Would you buy a car without knowing the make model and colour? It's the same with people. No-one wants to proced with a date unless they know exactly the kind of person they are dating.


2. Make your profile interesting and humorous, not like a report.


Write some short stories about your life and experiences. but don't be mushy and sound as if you want sympathy. That will be sure to put people off. Don't boast about your accomplishments either. Honesty is the best policy in profiles.


3. People should never dwell on negative aspects like problems or failed relationships.


Posting personal ads is not about obtaining counselling help, so don't go into the details of failed relationships. Stay positive


The key point in writing personal ads is to come up with something that will appear very interesting and attention grabbing.


So, if you haven't had any response to your ad yet, take note of these hints and try again.



What If You’re Disappointed When You Meet In Person?


Online dating can really be amusing. A lot of people even find it workable and gratifying. In fact, there are more benefits than you might realise if you haven't tried it for yourself.


However, not all online dating escapades produce positive results in the end. There are instances where the expectations sometimes go out of hand when executed in reality.


Take for example the case of a person who was lucky enough to find somebody he thinks is the right girl for him. He replied on her profile and when he received an answer from the girl, they started to communicate frequently.


What happens on their online dating is a series of continuous communication, exchanging messages, chatting continuously, and spending hours over the phone.


Because of the instant chemistry that evolved each time they talk to each other, the guy had emotionally built up the possibility of having a true, and not virtual, relationship with the girl. That is why he decided to set up their first real date.


but when they met for lunch, everything seemed to crumble into pieces. The girl appeared to be somewhat different than what the guy had expected or recalled. Worse still, their erstwhile cheerful  and lively conversation suddenly became stiff and strained.


When the date comes to an end, even though the girl said that she had a nice time and enjoyed the day, the problem is still there. The guy does not know what to say or do.


This kind of situation is not uncommon in the world of online dating. There are many cases where two people just don’t click when they meet in person.


A lot of people who are involved in online dating usually ask why such things happen. They find it hard to believe that the person they have learned to like (and love) online is entirely different when in person.


Hence, they try to assess themselves what went wrong. Is it their point of view that has changed? Were they deceived by the other person? Or was it just wrong from the very start?


The problem with most people is they fail to keep in mind that when they communicate to their dates online, they are really communicating, not with a person but with a series of texts. This is because any answers can always be fabricated or the other person can always deceive his or her date.


So when this happens, personal meetings often end up like the one mentioned above. This is because reality is entirely different from what the computer screen illustrates.


Nevertheless, in real life, we should know how to gradually exit from the situation without having to hurt the other person’s feelings.


So, for people who wish to know how to do this, here’s a list of some useful tips that you can use that make rejections a little easier to bear.


1. It would be better not to delve on the issue about not having the right chemistry in the first place, or point out the reason why an individual cannot pursue the dating any longer.


In order to break things up easily, don't focus on the issue of not getting the expectations one had started to build before you met in person.

Don't excuse yourself on the grounds that your date is not good-looking enough, or be hurtful in any way.


2. Instead, try to explain the importance of finding each other’s right mate in order to build a happy relationship.


An individual should at least try to make an extra effort on explaining how chemistry works with two people and that lack of such value could be detrimental in one’s relationship.