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It is just gentlemanly to pay for the date. However, if she insists that you go "dutch", then agree graciously. To avoid an awkward situation, imply to her earlier that you are planning to pay for the date.


9. Follow-up Calls.


If you really think she is "Ms. Right" for you and you need to date her again, say that you intend calling her again. But, if you feel she is not the right one for you, don't make a promise and then have to break it.


Finding "Ms. Right" might be easy, but you have to show that you are "Mr. Right" for her. With these tips, you can never go wrong.



Seniors dating online: It’s never too late to find love


Finding the love of your life does not have to stop at 30. In fact, there are many online dating websites that try to get this message across to senior citizens.


For many, online dating has become a successful endeavor for uniting countless singles.  Many think that it is only for younger people, but according to the 2000 Report of the Census Bureau of the United States, there are more than 31 million single Americans that have reached 45. Singles below 45 are around 51 million. So, out of 82 million singles in the United States, about 37.8 percent are seniors. That's more than a third of all singles. So for every 10 singles checking an internet dating site, four of them are likely to be seniors.


That is why if you are an older single, why not try dating sites on the Internet? There are many dating services over the Net that especially cater to seniors to help them find a perfect match. Becoming a member of an internet dating site will take just a few minutes. 


What are the advantages of joining an online senior dating site?


- User-friendly


Whether you are a senior who is just new to computers or you are quite an expert at surfing the Net, dating services are easy to use.


- Success rate


Generally, sites with many members often have the highest probability of giving you the perfect mate. In addition, having many site members give the site a good reputation.


- Anonymous Email


Reputable dating sites do not instantly give your email address or contact numbers in case someone wants to give you a message or vice versa. You need give your “real identity” only when you have become comfortable with that person.


- Matching Service


Online sites allow you to state what you want in a person and can notify you by email of the people most likely to match you.


- Articles and Tips on Dating


Sites offer articles and tips on how to get your perfect match.


Looking for your soul mate is not tied to age. Try online dating. It works!



How to date online for seniors


Merely registering as a member of an online dating site does not guarantee that you get the perfect match. As a senior trying out his or her chances in online dating services, you should clearly state what you are looking for in a date.


Dating online with success is not hard if you remember some tips to guide you through the process. 


What about your online profile? Does it describe your best attributes? Or does your profile look like a warning signal for others to stay away?


Follow these tips in making a good profile, and your chance of getting a date will increase.


1. State what your objectives are


In your profile, put something in the headline that will shout to everyone what you really are and why people need to check you out. Be informative and catchy. Tell something about you and your objectives in a very appealing and tone. An ordinary profile might not carry it, but when finding a love mate, you can use a metaphor as a “sales” tool. For example, you might want to use as headline “Mature gentleman ripe for picking” rather than “Decrepit old man wanting to get hitched.”


2. Accentuate the positive and specific, not the negative and general


You do want a mate, that’s why you applied as a member of an online site, isn’t it? So, like your job resume, you should focus on your positive side. Tell your good points that you could bring into a relationship. Shout to the world why they should bother reading your profile and hopefully, make communication with you. For example, instead of merely describing yourself as just “fun-loving,” why not tell something that would really show your fun-loving side? You could say instead that you “love to watch movies every weekend and going to a nice jazz bar in town.” Doesn’t that sound exciting?


3. Make the letter personalized


When writing someone you think is a potential match, avoid letter-like introductions. Instead be casual and personal in your note. You can catch someone’s eye by responding directly to something he or she said in his or her profile.


Success in getting an online match is easy with these tips. 



Listen Up Men – What Women Like and What They Don’t!



Men, if you think you’ve got what it takes to turn the heads of the ladies, you may be mistaken! Likewise, fellas, you may indeed have what women want! A survey was taken of a group of women, ages 29-50 and listed below are some of their likes and dislikes when it comes to the male species!



When asked the question “What is the first thing you notice when you see or meet a man?” some of the responses included:


Probably his eyes - "the windows to the soul"; then his butt, for sure!


I like bigger guys. But I also notice white shirts and if a guy is clean cut.


Visually, his height/build (I like 'em big) Personality-wise, intelligence and sense of humor rank high with me.


I always notice the eyes and overall cleanliness first. He doesn't have to be in a three piece suit but just clean, not stinky or wearing holey clothes. A great smile doesn't hurt either :)


Left ring finger, teeth and smell and in that order. If I see a man is married, I rarely give him a second glance. If he’s single I look at his mouth to see if he has straight teeth (I had braces at 40 years old, so I guess I expect straight teeth from grown men) and finally his scent. I absolutely adore the smell of cologne on a man.


Well the first things I usually notice are his eyes and sense of humor. Then if he was someone I was dating, I observe how he treats his mother.


OK don't laugh, but I guess I noticed teeth because I was a dental assistant when I met my husband. Oh ya, I also tried to check out his "package" but it was very hard to tell if anything was there!


His smile and physique.


Conversely, there are some things about a man that are an instant turn off to the gals.



Long hair, bad breath, body odor, "wimpy" or fem appearance.


Generally any kind of unkempt appearance.


No little tiny ones, short in height that is, I’m afraid I’ll have to pass by those gents who are vertically challenged.


Fuzzy sweater teeth and scuffed up, unpolished shoes.

Dirty hands, dirty nails.


I hate dirty ears. If the guy has earwax, I will notice immediately and it makes me gag! I would never be able to date someone who doesn't clean his ears regularly.


Long fingernails and dirty/too long/unkempt hair.


Looking at my body instead of my face. Use of vulgar or profane language. Intoxication or drug usage. Evidence of poor personal care habits.


So there you go, men. The women have spoken. Basically if you smile and don’t stink, you have an ‘in’. Conversely, if your personal hygiene leaves much to be desired, you can forget it. Now go wash your hands, get a hair cut, use a q-tip, brush your teeth and smile pretty for the babes!



How to check your online date’s honesty


Online dating can prove to be a wonderful experience but you have to remember certain precautions in dating people over the Net.


How would you know that the person you will be meeting for the first time is honest and is not deceiving you? Here are some tips to guide you.


1. Listen to what your gut is saying. If something does not feel right when communicating with him or her, it is probably an indication to move on. Trust on your instincts.


2. Do not give out your personal home information too early. If your date is an honest person, they will understand. They should also be aware of the danger that may lurk in online dating, and agree on some measures for protection. In fact, they may admire you for it, because it shows that you are not cheap, nor desperate for a date.


3. To maximize your safety, make an anonymous electronic mail account in services like Yahoo or Hotmail. Try not to give your complete name. This will protect your privacy. If you think someone is trustworthy enough to give out your main email address and other information, then you can give him or her the information.


4. If you think you have gathered enough information about your date, you could try doing a background check. If he or she is honest, they shouldn't make a big deal about it. After all, honest people don’t have anything to hide, do they?


Keep in mind that there are people out there who lie about their profile and the things they are saying over the Internet. Some lie about their marital status, some over their physical appearances, and some about their intentions. Be alert at all times. Not all people in online dating services are good people. Trust your instincts. Hopefully, you will find one that is honest and has good intentions for you. He or she might be your destiny.



Men - What They Think of Dating Both Online and Offline


Figuring out what a man thinks can often be difficult when you are in the dating game. Whether you are involved in online dating or even offline dating, the issues are still usually the same. If you want to really find the man of your dreams, it is very important that you begin to understand what they really think of dating. Here are a few things what men think about dating that you probably did not know.


Fear Fulfilling a Woman's Dreams


When men think of dating, one thing they fear is having to fulfill a woman's dreams. In fact, when he listens to her, he listens to what she wants in life and what her hopes and dreams happen to be. Sometimes he may want to be the one to give that to her. Sure he will be happy if she is going to fulfill her dreams on her own, but he doesn't always want to be the one that ends up doing this himself.


They Have Feelings Too


Yes, men have feelings too and they often show them - it's just that women don't know where to look. While they do deal with feelings, they don't show them or even feel them in the same way that women do when they are dating. So, you should not be fooled into thinking that a guy doesn't have feelings. He does and it's important to know this when you are dating.


Men Don't Think That Love Is Always Enough


Another thing that men think about dating, both online and offline,is that love is not always enough. While they may feel that they love a woman, he also thinks about his life and where he is going. Women tend to think more about love and they tend to make more decisions that are totally based on love as well. So, even if a guy does feel he loves you when he is dating you, this doesn't mean he is going to propose soon.


They Want to Find Feminine Women


While there are many women think that men want to date a "cool chic", men are actually looking for women that are feminine. They like finding qualities that their friends don't have. Some women think that they need to fit in with a guy and his friends when they are dating, but instead what you should do is to let your feminine side show.


Looking for a Woman Who Believes in Them


Men are also looking for a woman that believes in them when they are looking for a woman to date. This is their idea of the perfect date. He gets comfort from the fact that a woman believes in him. It makes him feel much braver and more courageous when he is dating a woman that really believes that he can do something.


Concentrate on One Thing - You Have a Great Time


Many women notice that it seems men are paying attention to them on their dates. Well, man look at dating a bit differently. When they are out on a date, they concentrate on one thing which is to have a great time. They are not as great at multi-tasking as women are, so when they focus on one thing, it may seem that they aren't paying attention. However, it should be flattering, because on the date they are truly focusing in making sure that you have a great time on the date.



Why You May Not Get a Response from a Dating Site


If you feel you are not getting any response to your online profile from a top online dating site, you must be asking

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