Abundant Thinking: How to Achieve the Rich Dad Mindset by White Dove Books - HTML preview

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A New Garment

The concept of abundant thinking can be puzzling if you do not understand the message that lies at its heart.

To summarize, abundant thinking is about being grateful for what you do have rather than focusing on what you lack. It involves having no hard and fast expectation of what you will receive based on some egotistical notion of what you deserve out of life. It says: be happy with what you have, because it is all effectively on loan to you whilst you are here, and if you want more, then take the appropriate actions to achieve your ambitions, but remain happy in the knowledge that it may not all happen exactly as you might expect.

All this serves to produce the correct frame of mind to ultimately accept the gifts that the universe has waiting for you in the spirit of abundance. This is where some people may struggle, because this asks that you take the leap of faith and start believing that there really is abundance out there. The alternative view is that there just isn’t enough good stuff to go around. Consequently, you have to accept the fact that the rest of your will be spent dealing with careful management of those precious and scarce resources.

Of course, it is hard to change the habits of a lifetime, especially for those people who have spent their lives being habitually pessimistic and/or negative. But understand that such attitudes are not anything to do with who you fundamentally are; they are merely garments that you once tried on, and found that they fitted.

Negativity may hitherto have been a useful predictor for you: things may not have turned out well for you so far, but you knew it all in advance. You did not allow your hopes to get too high because life has a habit of letting you down. You have low expectations and your reward is that you are disappointed less often – or so you have come to think. But scarcity is a garment you are free to discard at any time.

Now, there is another garment waiting for you. So, do you think you would you be willing to try it on?