Abundant Thinking: How to Achieve the Rich Dad Mindset by White Dove Books - HTML preview

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Abundance Motivation

A key part of abundant thinking is abundance motivation, sometimes called appreciative, or assertive thinking. This is the belief that we already have much more than is necessary to get by. It says we have more than we need, and more than we could have ever expected. It requires that you dispel any assumptions about what you will receive in life, be that from God, nature, society, parents, peers, friends, or loved ones.

Again, this does not suggest we have to stop wanting more. It is simply about establishing the correct mindset. Knowing we have more than we need makes us feel happy and grateful. We appreciate what we have, and that means whatever else we get is a bonus. But thinking that you deserve more, or that you are somehow owed more, leads to resentment. The truth is that life does not owe you anything at all. You have to remember that you came into the world with nothing – and you will end up leaving it with nothing.

Creating a healthy attitude towards abundance requires you to embrace and celebrate what you already have. If you have good health, enough food to eat, and a roof over your head, then you have a lot to be grateful for. If you also have love in your life, you should be very happy.

There are many millions of people (often in less developed countries) who struggle every single day for what many of us consider to be the basic necessities of life and, perhaps somewhat ironically, many of those people lead happier lives than those who have plenty.

So always remember that the world does not owe you a living. In fact, it doesn’t owe you anything at all. But neither will it deny you anything if you open your eyes to the abundance that is already all around you, and the goodness in store for as you begin to align your thoughts and actions with Universal Law.

Do not allow yourself to be influenced by our modern consumerist society. Commercials attempt to convince you that you need certain material items to be happy; you must have the latest designer accessories, the best gadgets, a bigger house, a luxury car. But you believe these messages at your peril. You do not need these things! Beware of feelings of resent caused by lacking such material items. Such an attitude causes you to focus on what you do not have.

Perhaps the notion of abundant thinking may appear to be a strange or contradictory concept to some. After all, it says you that you should be grateful for what you already have, but that it is also okay to want more. It says you should be aware of your minimum requirements i.e. what you actually need to live, but that you should place no maximum limit on what is possible for you to achieve because supply is actually limitless.

Abundant thinking asks that you give up the bad habits of a lifetime. But they can be heavy shackles to throw off. Anyone who has spent years struggling may find it difficult to accept that they can more quickly achieve their goals by doing nothing more than altering the way they think. This can be part of the problem for many people i.e. simply accepting that you are not being asked to do anything more than embracing and applying the principle.

What we have to remember is that abundant thinking does not guarantee anything. If we start believing that abundant thinking will definitely bring us wealth and riches, or anything else that we strive for, then our expectations may disappoint us (especially in the short term) and we can pretty soon end up back with that unproductive attitude of scarcity. All you have to do is accept the good things in your life, be grateful for them, and know that there is an abundance out there just waiting to be tapped into, and it is your positive, abundant attitude that is the fundamental key to doing so.