Advanced Affirmation - Law of Attraction by Yaz Tal - HTML preview

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Chapter 3:


Power Methods to Write and Use Affirmations




Use active verbs in your affirmations. Getting, doing, having, learning, loving, and earning are all words that immediately show an image of action to your inner self. The more clearly you are able to see the action in your mind the more powerful the impact of the affirmation will be.


Affirm the positive not the negative. There's an old song that says, - Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, and do not mess with Mr. In-between. Always choose words to reflect the positive results you desire.


For example: "each day I happily choose food that supports my healthy body" is much more powerful than-I am losing weight".




Power Methods to Write and Use Affirmations


Notice that both positive affirmations center on choice and health. The basic self (subconscious mind) loves to have a choice. The other two affirmations center on deprivation of no smoking, losing weight. A fear of being deprived can launch the exact behavior you wish to discontinue. How many times have you decided to go on a diet only to begin craving forbidden foods the instant you made the decision? Keep your affirmations short and sweet.


Affirmations that are simple to remember and repeat will have the most impact. It is more effective to use three short statements that are easily spoken.


Attach strong emotion to your affirmations. When making your affirmations use words that evoke strong feelings in you. When you're saying your affirmations, even silently to yourself, say them with strong emotion. Here is an example: See it when you say it. Stand tall, stride around the room, and throw your arms out wide.


If you're in a place where you're saying your affirmations silently then see yourself taking these physical actions in your mind's eye while you're repeating your affirmations.


Practice the physical part of saying your affirmations whenever you get the chance. This way you'll have a solid anchor of yourself going through these movements for those times when you need to visualize the movement and you silently say the affirmation.


Use present tense words. I'm now receiving, I'm doing, I now have, choosing these phrases send the message to your basic self that your desired result exists right now.


It's the responsibility of your basic self to fulfill your directives as quickly as possible. If you put your affirmations in the future tense, as in I will or I'm going to then your basic self has no clear directive to act now. Your desired goal will continue to stay in the future because that's the information you're putting out.


Say what you mean. If your affirmation is - I'm a powerful communicator, be sure that you've clearly defined to yourself exactly what actions a powerful communicator does.


Remember that words are symbols for our thoughts. Each word or combination of words carries the energy of an image (thought) specific to you. Word your affirmations to get the exact results you desire. Invest in a good thesaurus. The more words you have at your command the more precise you can be in wording your affirmation.


Many teachers and motivational speakers use this technique.


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