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Eating to Stay Young

Looking and feeling younger is a lot more under your control than you may think. A lot of the signs of aging that we assume are natural and unavoidable, such as wrinkles, decreasing mobility, less acute sight and hearing, disease, and assorted chronic aches and pains, come in large part from not taking proper care of ourselves. The choices you make when feeding yourself are just as important as exercise and other elements of your anti-aging strategy.

Eat less red meat, and more fish. Fish is rich in a good kind of fat, the omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your heart and your immune system. Omega-3 also helps prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Studies have shown that putting lots of fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet gives you more energy, helps manage your weight, and lowers your risk for many diseases. The reasons for this include the fact that most fruits and vegetables have no fat or cholesterol, and they are low in calories, which means you can fill yourself up without gaining weight.

Produce also contains lots of fiber, which helps prevent cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. They are also filled with important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, folic acid, iron, calcium, and beta-carotene.

Fruits and vegetables are chock full of antioxidants (discussed above) that get rid of those destructive free radicals which can attack and damage our cells. So, eating a diet that contains plenty of antioxidants is a good way to combat aging, in addition to preventing many types of disease. Antioxidants also build up the immune system, help prevent heart disease, and reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men.

Fruits, vegetables, and many plant extracts also have chemicals called phytonutrients. The role of phytonutrients in plants includes giving them their color, repelling insect enemies, and attracting bees for pollination. But their importance for us is that they will keep your skin looking nice and healthy.

Another aspect of a healthy anti-aging diet is to simply eat less. Numerous studies have shown that people who don’t eat until they’re ‘stuffed’ live significantly longer, and have much lower rates of all those age-related diseases we’ve discussed. But when I say eat less, that doesn’t mean starving yourself or neglecting to eat the right kinds of food. Decrease your portions of sugar, fat, fast food, and other empty calories, but consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

Whilst not the most glamorous of topics - though it’s vitally important - a final aspect of eating concerns having a healthy colon and digestive system, with regular bowel movements. Potential obstacles to having a healthy colon include high levels of stress, sudden changes in your daily routine, pregnancy, and some medications. But the best ways to promote good digestion and elimination are to drink plenty of water every day, eat a good diet with plenty of fiber, and ensure you get regular exercise.