Appreciate the Little Things - The #1 Rule of Happiness by Jeremiah Say - HTML preview

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Chapter 10: Appreciate Pets


Dogs are man’s best friend. No matter what kind of pet you have, though, it probably brings you great joy and comfort. Your life is more wholesome with a pet. If you do not have a pet, have you considered getting one? They can increase the enjoyment you experience in life. 

Appreciate how your pets love you no matter what. They depend on you totally for everything. To them, you are the epicenter of the universe. You are both provider and friend. They need you and they love you. 

Appreciate how your pets accept you as you are. They see you in your rawest form, but they do not judge. You can dance around like an idiot to your favorite song and your pets will not laugh at you. They also will not spread rumors about how odd you are.

Appreciate how your pets cannot betray you the way humans can. This is not to say that humans are terrible and that you need to shut yourself in your house with only animals for companionship. But it is great how loyal and faithful pets are. Even if they wanted to betray you by talking about you behind your back, they can’t. 

Appreciate how soft their fur feels when you pet them. Petting pets is incredibly soothing. Enjoy it. 

Appreciate how they look up to you. You have mastery and control. You are God to pets. 

Appreciate how animals keep you from being alone. Even when you are all by yourself, your pet is faithfully there. It can keep you company whether you have other people in your life or not. 

Appreciate being able to do fun things with your pet, like going for walks in the park and playing fetch. You get to go out and have fun together. You get to share special moments. 

Appreciate the differences that separate species. Your pets probably have all sorts of little eccentricities that make them different from you. These differences can be very entertaining or interesting to observe. As your dog kicks and barks in his sleep or your cat chases lasers, you get to enjoy the evolutionary traits that make your pet unique to its own species.