Appreciate the Little Things - The #1 Rule of Happiness by Jeremiah Say - HTML preview

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Chapter 12: Appreciate Your Body


Everybody has physical flaws and complaints about their bodies. No one is perfect. But rather than just complaining about your belly flab or cellulite or varicose veins, appreciate how much your body does for you. Your body is actually quite great. It does the miraculous every day by keeping you alive. 

Appreciate your every cell. Each cell in your body has a unique job to do and it tirelessly does its job even while you are sleeping. Your cells never really get a day off. 

Appreciate your eyesight. They let you see the beauty of the world and the light in your loved ones’ faces. 

Appreciate your other sensory organs. I already told you to appreciate your sense of smell and taste. But be sure to appreciate your sense of touch too. Your sense of hearing lets you experience the beautiful sounds in the world. If you are impaired of any of your sense, appreciate the ones that you do have that let you experience the world. Your sensory organs let you develop awareness and appreciation. Without them, you would be little more than a rock. 

Appreciate your face. Your face makes you recognizable. Even if you don’t think you are very attractive, someone else does. Your loved ones love your face. 

Appreciate your other unique characteristics. Your traits are made by genes that have formed slowly over the years. You were created through an amazing blend of pieces of all of your ancestors. Your traits have a long and complex history behind them. They make you uniquely you. 

Appreciate your physical strength. It lets you accomplish things. It keeps you going. If you have to lift something or move something, you are able to thanks to the amazing abilities of your muscles and bones working together with your brain. 

Appreciate your brain. Not only does it make you uniquely you, but it lets you feel. You can experience great joy. You can experience gratitude. You can feel even bad things, which help you appreciate the good things even more. 

More than anything, appreciate your life functions that are keeping you alive. Your entire body is to thank for that. That is why you are here today, reading this book, and filling up with gratitude for life.