Appreciate the Little Things - The #1 Rule of Happiness by Jeremiah Say - HTML preview

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Chapter 14: Appreciate without Excess


This is just a brief warning. Some things are so good that people want to partake in them a little too much. Excess is always bad. You can appreciate some of the great things in life without going overboard.

A good example is alcohol. You should appreciate the taste of a fine wine or whisky or your favorite fruity cocktail. At a Mexican restaurant, you can appreciate the taste of an ice cold margarita as you dig into your spicy dish. You can appreciate the flavor profile of a nice craft beer, or the comfort of a familiar brand of beer that you have always drunk. But you should never indulge too much. 

Appreciate the good things in life in a way that keeps them good. Anything can become bad if you overdo it. You begin to neglect the pleasure of things as you chase after more and more and more. You become hard to satisfy. You also drown in guilt when you go too far.

Use the bad experiences of over- and under-indulgence in the past to find a balance. This balance is the key to healthy appreciation and gratitude. You can enjoy things if you do in moderation.