Ask And It Is Given - Learning To Manifest Your Desires by Esther And Jerry Hicks - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

This Simple Basis of Understanding Makes It All Fit Together

There is a current that runs through everything. It exists throughout the Universe, and it exists throughout All-That-Is. It is the basis of the Universe, and it is the basis of your physical world. Some are aware of this Energy, but most humans are unaware of it. However, everyone is affected by it.

As you begin to understand the basis of your world, and you begin to look for, or better said, feel for, your awareness of this Source Energy that is the basis of all things, you will then understand everything about your own experience. You will also more clearly understand the experiences of those around you.


A Consistent Formula Gives You Consistent Results

Like learning to understand the basics of mathematics and then having the successful experience of understanding the results of their applications, you will now have a formula for understanding your world that will always be consistent, and which will yield consistent results to you. They will be so consistent that you will be able to predict your future experiences with absolute accuracy, and you will be able to understand your past experiences with a knowing that was unavailable to you before.

You will never again feel like a victim, in the past or future, cowering from the idea of unwanted things pouncing into your life experience. You will finally understand the absolute creative control that you have of your own life experience. And then, you will be able to turn your attention to your own creative  power, and you will experience the absolute bliss of watching all manner of things converging to assist you in the creation of your own specific desires. Everyone has this potential... and some are realizing it.  It will be an extremely satisfying experience to identify your own personal desires, which will be rising from the contrasting life experiences that you are living, and to know that each of those desires can be fully realized. From that place of belief; from that place of understanding the basics that are always consistent: You will now shorten the time between the inception of your idea of desire and its full and absolute manifestation.

You will come to know that all things you desire can come easily and swiftly into your experience.


You Are a Vibrational Being in a Vibrational Environment

You can feel whether you are allowing your full connection to Source Energy or not. In other words, the better you feel, the more you are allowing your connection; the worse you feel, the less you are allowing your connection. Feeling good equals allowing the connection; feeling bad equals not allowing the connection—feeling bad equals resisting the connection to your Source.

You are, even in your physical expression of flesh, blood, and bone, a “Vibrational Being,” and everything you experience in your physical environment is vibrational. And, it is only through your ability to translate vibration that you are able to understand your physical world at all. You don’t see your physical world at all. In other words, through your eyes, you translate vibration into that which you see. Using your ears, you translate vibration into the sounds that you hear. Even your nose, tongue, and fingertips are translating vibrations into the smells, tastes, and touches that help you understand your world. But your most sophisticated of vibrational interpreters by far are your emotions.


Your Emotions As Vibrational Interpreters

By paying attention to the signals of your emotions, you can understand, with absolute precision, everything you are now living or have ever lived. And, with a precision and ease that you may have never before experienced, you can use this new understanding of your emotions to orchestrate a future experience that will please you in every way.

By paying attention to the way you feel, you can fulfill your reason for being here, and you can continue your intended expansion in the joyful way that you intended. By understanding your emotional connection to who you really are, you will come to understand not only what is happening in your own world and why, but you will also understand every other living Being with whom you interact. Never again will you have unanswered questions about your world. You will understand—from a very deep level, from your Non-Physical perspective, and through your own personal physical experience—everything about who you are, who you have been, and who you are becoming.