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And for that reason, we would encourage the greatest exercise in Pivoting that we can offer you. In other words, rather than moving forward into your day, not having any clear ideas of what you want, and waiting until some influence touches you that you do not like, feeling the negative response, and deciding that you will pivot—it is so much more productive for you to go about your day with the decision to look for positive aspects.

Do not try to save the world; save yourself. That means that you need to focus on what makes you feel good. The process of Pivoting is the tool that will bring you to what you want. It is the process whereby you consciously decide: Yes, I want to look for what I want, and I will no longer look in the direction of the lack of it.

Pivoting is the continual, hour-after-hour, segment-by-segment process whereby you choose the positive. It is the way you get to feeling good—and it is a way that you can get whatever you want.


Process #17 The Focus Wheel Process

When to Use This Process:

  • When you realize that your current Vibrational Point of Attraction is not where you want it to be.
  • When you are aware that you are feeling negative emotion about something that is important, and you want to find a way of feeling positive emotion instead.
  • When something has just happened that is not to your liking, and you want to think about it while it is on your mind and change your point of attraction so that it does not happen again.
  • When you are reaching for a feeling of relief.


Current Emotional Set-Point Range

This Focus Wheel Process will be of the most value to you when your Emotional Set-Point is ranging somewhere between: (8) Boredom and (17) Anger.

Through exposure to life experiences, people often arrive at beliefs that hold them in a vibrational pattern that disallows their receiving of something they desire. And even though those beliefs are not serving them, many people defend their continual return to those unpleasant facts, arguing, “After all, they’re true.”

We want to remind you that the only reason anything has manifested into a physical, tangible, definable truth is because someone has given enough attention to it to make that so. But just because someone else has managed to create their truth, it does not mean that it has any relationship to you or to what you will create.

In your attempt to document the facts and events of your time, you often, without knowing you are doing it, hold yourself in patterns of vibrations that make it certain that you will confirm the “truth” (or some fact you are studying) with your own life experience. This is not because it is an undeniable truth that you are witnessing, but it is because, in your attention to it, you have achieved vibrational harmony with it, so the Law of Attraction brings a matching experience to you.

Sometimes someone will say to us, “But Abraham, I cannot ignore this, for it’s true!” And we say, It is only true because someone has made it true by giving their attention to it. You see, what you are actually saying here is, “Because someone else has given attention to this and therefore, by the Law of Attraction, invited it into their own experience, I think I’ll do the same. In other words, even though I don’t want it, I’m obliged to create it in my own reality because someone else did.”

There are many things that are true that you do desire. And there are many things that are true that you do not desire. It is our encouragement that you give your attention to the things that you do desire—and make those wonderful things the truth of your life experience.

Most people, however, have not deliberately guided their thoughts to those things that feel good, and so, without knowing they are doing it, they develop patterns of thoughts that they now continue to repeat.

Of course, some of your patterns of thought are extremely beneficial to you. Others are not. And so, this Focus Wheel Process is designed to assist you in changing your vibrational patterns on those specific subjects that are not beneficial to you. It is a process whereby you can literally practice your thoughts into a better feeling—and therefore into a better point of attraction.

We recommend that you spend 15 or 20 minutes with this process anytime you feel strong negative emotion about something that has happened, or whenever you wish to improve your feeling of clarity.

Your heightened negative emotion is always highlighting a good opportunity to shift your Energy on a subject, because something that you have been living has brought it to a particularly focused position. And so now, as you apply the Focus Wheel Process to it, you will be able to feel any improvement that you achieve in a more emphatic way. We recommend using this Focus Wheel Process in any moment when you are keenly aware of something that you do not want.

This is the process where you make a general statement that matches your desire. In other words, you’re reaching for a match. And how do you know you have found one? Because you feel a sense of relief. In other words, the statement soothes you; the statement just feels a little better. And once you find it, if you can focus there tor a little bit, even amplify it or exaggerate it, or remember something related to it... that is to say, if you can manage, once you find that gentle comforting statement, to stay there for at least 17 seconds so that you allow another thought to join it... it will then give impetus to your newly stated belief.


An Example of the Focus Wheel Process

Here’s how to begin the Focus Wheel Process: Draw a large circle on a sheet of paper. Then draw a smaller circle, about two inches in diameter, in the center of the large circle. Sit back and look at the small circle and feel your eyes focus upon it.

Now, close your eyes for a moment and turn your attention to whatever has happened that has produced the negative emotion within you. Identify exactly what it is that you do not want.

At this point, say to yourself, Well, I clearly know what I don’t want. What is it that I do want?

It is helpful if you try to identify what you do not want as well as what you do want in terms of the way you want to feel about it.

For example:

I feel fat, and I want to feel slender.

I feel poor, and I want to feel prosperous.

I feel unloved, and I want to feel loved.

I feel deceived, and I want to feel honored.

I feel ill, and I want to feel well.

I feel powerless, and I want to feel my power.

Next, try to write statements around the outside edge of your large circle that match what it is that you do want. When you find a statement that is a close enough match, you will know it. In other words, you will feel whether your statement does not match and throws you off the wheel into the bushes, so to speak, or whether it is a statement that is close enough to your desire that it sticks.

The reason the Focus Wheel Process is so effective is because the statements you are writing are those that you have deliberately chosen. They are general statements that you already believe, that match your desire. And the reason it works is because the Law of Attraction is so very powerful that when you hold a thought for as little as 17 seconds, another thought like it will join it; and as those two thoughts come together, there is a combustion that occurs that makes your thoughts even more powerful.

Whenever you make a general statement, you are more likely to be pure in your thought than when you make a specific statement, so the power of the Focus Wheel is that you are making general statements that you already believe, and as you hold each of them for 17 seconds or so, it gives you an opportunity to offer a pure vibration that is more and more specific to your desire.

So, let us say that you are preparing to do this process and you know that your intention is to eventually write: “I feel good about my body” or “My knee is well.” But if you begin there, if the first little phrase you write is: “I feel good about my body,” you can tell, by the way you feel, that the Energy is not lined up, because all it did was make you feel ornery and aggravate your awareness that you do feel fat or that your knee does hurt. So that statement was too specific.

In other words, it is sort of like trying to jump on a train that is going too fast, and all you do is just bounce back off of it. Can you imagine trying to get on a merry-go-round that is going too fast? You cannot quite get on yet, but if it slows down, you can— and then it can speed up, and as it does so this time, you can be comfortable on it. What you want to do is slow the “wheel” down, slow the belief down, so that you can get on. And then, once you do so, you can increase the speed of the vibration.

Now, just by trial and error, you can choose another statement. You might say something like, “I know that my physical body responds to my thoughts.” Well, that is a softer statement, and you already believe that, but that makes you a little mad at yourself. So that was not a really good starting point either. You feel around for something else, and you say something like, “For the most part, my body’s doing all right.” Well, now, you believe that. That statement feels all right. You are able to stay on the merry-go- round.

As you write that around your circle and focus upon it, it feels pretty good. And then you make another statement. You might say something like, “I believe that the Universe matches our vibration.” You absolutely believe that, so that statement sticks. Then you make a statement such as, “This physical body has been very good for me.” You believe that. That statement stays. You are beginning to feel a little better. You are beginning to feel a little sense of relief. You are not quite so mad at yourself. Your vibration is lifting.

And so, let us continue to add power to this process of the Focus Wheel: As you find thoughts that feel good, continue writing them around the perimeter of your larger circle. Start at what 12 o’clock would be if you were looking at a clock, and then continue around to 1 o’clock, 2 o’clock, and so on, until you have 12 statements that feel good to you.

Since your thoughts are sometimes already spinning with such momentum that even though you want to change them you cannot find a place to jump in, this Focus Wheel game is about finding a thought that is close enough to where you are right now so that you do not end up thrown off in the bushes, but where you can gradually begin moving toward the way you want to feel. It is a wonderful vibrational bridging tool.

For example, let us say that you feel fat. Something has happened in your experience to bring that to the forefront of your mind, and you are, in this moment, feeling strong negative emotion about it. Take your paper, draw a circle in the center of the page, and within the circle you could write the words: I want to feel slender.

Now, focus upon the subject at hand and try to find thoughts that match how you want to feel, thoughts that feel good to you while you ponder them. Try to find a thought that does not throw you off in the bushes.

I can be slender again.

(This thought is too far from what you really believe, and while you want to believe it, you do not. And you can feel that you do not. And so, because this thought does not feel good to you, this is an off-in-the- bushes statement.)

My sisters are slender and beautiful.

(This thought does not feel good either. It points out their success and makes you feel your own lack of success even more. This thought throws you off in the bushes.)

I’ll find something that will work for me.

(While this thought feels a little bit better than the previous ones, it still does not feel good. You have tried many things, but you believe that you have found nothing that works for you, so this thought just points out your past failures. This thought throws you off in the bushes.)

I know that there are others who have been where I now am who have found a way that works for them. (With this thought, you may feel a sensation of relief. You do feel a little bit better. Remember, you are not looking for the end-all solution here. You are only looking for a thought that feels good enough that it sticks. And this thought does not throw you off in the bushes. So, write it on your page at the 12 o’clock position, and now reach for more good-feeling thoughts.)

I don’t have to do all of this today.

(That is another one that sticks. Write it at the 1 o’clock position.)

I’ll find a diet that works.

(Off in the bushes.)

I don’t feel good in my clothes.

(Off in the bushes.)

It will be fun to buy some new clothes. (2:00)

(That one sticks.)

My body will feel more refreshed. (3:00)


I will feel more vital. (4:00) (Sticks.)

New ideas will come to me. (5:00)

(You’re rolling now.)

I already know some things that will help. (6:00)

(Yes, feeling better.)

I like taking control of my own experience. (7:00)


I’m looking forward to making this change. (8:00)


I like feeling good.

(That one sticks. Write it on the 9:00 position.) I like feeling good in my body. (10:00)


I feel good about my body. (11:00)

(Yes! Now, after writing that on the 11:00 position, emphatically circle the words you originally wrote in the center of your Focus Wheel, and notice that you now do feel a closer vibrational alignment with that thought, when only minutes before, you were nowhere near that vibration.)


Abraham, Speak to Us More about the Focus Wheel Process

You may have heard us say that your point of power is in the present because even though you may be thinking about the past, or you may be thinking about the now, or you may be thinking about the future—

you are doing it all right now. You are vibrating now. The pulse is now. The vibrational offering is now. So what is happening is, any creative tension between the summoning of the Life Force and allowing of it to flow through you (the summoning and the allowing)—is all happening right here in the now.

So, here is the word that we want you to focus upon for the next few days. Here you stand in this fresh place. We love the freshness of where you stand. And now we want to show you how to stand in this fresh place and align your fresh Energy with fresh desire that will bring fresh and easy results.

The Focus Wheel is the best tool that we have found to help you bridge a belief so that it matches your desire. Now, this is what we mean by this: The formula for creating anything, even, let us say, joyful tax preparation, is: Identify the desire and then achieve a vibrational match with it.


Another Example of a Focus Wheel Process

So, just begin by trying to find a phrase that will let you on the wheel. Write phrases that are close enough to what you already believe so that they do not throw you off in the bushes, so to speak. In other words, if you wrote, “I’m enjoying doing my taxes,” you are off in the bushes. If you write, “I just think it is a wonderful thing that the government takes my money and squanders it in useless ways,” you are off  in the bushes. And so, the goal is to try to find something that matches your desire that feels better. So you could write something like, “I like to be on top of my life. It feels good to meet my commitments. I like it when I do things in a timely fashion. I love the feeling of order and organization in my experience.” Now, that might have been too strong a statement. You will know. You can tell by the way it feels whether it stays or whether it does not. So through trial and error, you just keep trying. So then you say something like, “I imagine that there are a whole lot of people who have felt like I’m feeling, who now have this thing handled.” That got you on the wheel! “While the IRS taxing system isn’t perfect, it’s a mechanism through which our government runs.” Now, did you end up in the bushes on that, or did you get on the wheel with it? “Every year I’m getting better at this. I’m managing things more comfortably. I’ll find ways to make it more comfortable. My taxes are a good incentive to help me sort of get organized and figure things out.”


The Better It Feels, the Better It Gets

Now, here is the thing we want you to hear: We have not solved anything. In other words, nothing has really changed. You still have your taxes to do, but the thing that we most want you to hear is that you are standing in a different place right now than you were before. In other words, clarity will come to you more easily than before. Memory will come to you more easily than before. An idea of where you left something will come to you more easily than before. In other words, all those scattered pieces of your life that are in piles and boxes and folders and bottoms of purses— all those pieces of information that are scattered here and there— are coming together in your mind. In other words, your Inner Mind will begin to feed you in a consistent way; in a way that did not happen before you took a little time to align your Energy with your desire.

Whether it is a castle or a button, if you are using it as your object of attention, it is summoning the Life Force, and it is the feel of the Life Force that life is about. The reason that you are summoning it is inconsequential. In other words, it is every bit as possible to feel as much joy in the preparation of your taxes as in the planning of an ocean cruise.

Now you might not believe that, but that is because you have not allowed the Energy to flow through you toward that object of attention without resistance. You summon the Energy because you want to do what you have to do, but then you divert the Energy, because you have all these habits or practiced statements that do not let it flow. When you have Energy flowing through you and you do not let it flow, it beats up on you pretty good. And now, because the Focus Wheel Process causes you to focus for a longer-than- usual period of time on a specific subject while you are deliberately reaching for thoughts that feel good, your point of attraction does change.

By applying this simple but powerful Focus Wheel Process to a variety of subjects as they come up in your life, you can effectively improve your point of attraction regarding everything that is important to you.


Process #18 Finding the Feeling-Place

When to Use This Process:

  • When you want to improve a situation.
  • When you want more money.
  • When you want a better job.
  • When you want a happier relationship.
  • When you want a better-feeling body.


Current Emotional Set-Point Range

This Finding the Feeling-Place Process will be of the most value to you when your Emotional Set-Point is ranging somewhere between: (9) Pessimism and (17) Anger.

Because you are generally giving much more attention to the aspects of your life that you are living right now, whatever you are living is carrying more vibrational weight, so to speak, than what you are desiring or imagining. In other words, if you have a desire to be slender even though you are considerably overweight at the moment, the aspects of your now experience are probably outweighing the vibrations of your visualizations.

Often people will say, “I’m not happy over here. I wish I could be over there.” But when asked what it is about over there that they desire, usually they will just explain to you what is wrong with being over here. Even though they use words such as, “I want to be over there,” or “I want what is over there,” their vibration is much more about over here where they now stand than about where they want to be.

As in our earlier “gas gauge” example of how unhelpful it would be for you to put a “Happy Face” sticker on your dashboard to cover the empty tank indicator, in like manner there is no value in using happy- sounding words if you do not feel happy. The Law of Attraction is not responding to your words, but instead is responding to the vibrations that are radiating from you. It is quite possible for you to use all the right-sounding words at the same time that you are in a state of powerful resistance to your own Well-Being, for the words you use are not important—how you feel is what matters.

The Finding the Feeling-Place Process is most helpful in making sure that you are radiating a vibration that will serve you, for this is a process that will help you realize what you are actually attracting. It is one of using your imagination to pretend that your desire has already come about and that you are now living the details of that desire.

As you focus upon what it feels like to be living your desire, you cannot, at the same time, be feeling the absence of your desire, so with practice, you can tip the scale, so to speak, so that even though your desire has not yet actually manifested, you are offering a vibration as if it has—and then it must.

Again, the Universe does not know if you are offering your vibration because you are living what you are living, or because you are imagining that you are living it. In either case, it answers the vibration—and the manifestation must follow.

For example, let us say that you go to your mailbox and you find the second notice of another unpaid bill, and as you open the envelope, you feel very uncomfortable because, right now, you do not know how you are going to pay it. This bill is already overdue, and there are several other overdue bills, so you feel overwhelmed and discouraged. “I want more money,” you say. “I want a lot more money,” you say, with even more emphasis. But you are offering empty, hollow words—that have no impact on your point of attraction whatsoever—because your words are not your point of attraction. Your point of attraction is your practiced vibrational offering, and the way you feel is the real indicator of what your point of attraction is. Right now you are pulsing with emotions that clearly match your state of not having enough money.

Your goal, in this process, is to conjure images that cause you to offer a vibration that allows money. Your goal is to create images that feel good to you. Your goal is to find the feeling-place of what it would be like to have enough money, rather than finding the feeling-place of what it is like to not have enough money.

Now, you could remember a time when you had more money, or even a time when, even though you did not necessarily have more money, at least you were not feeling the stress of too many bills. And when you find that memory, try to remember as many details as possible in order to try to feel it even more.

You could pretend that you have more money than you have any sensible use for; pretend that you have so much money you do not know where to keep it all, and imagine you have tons of it in the pantry and under the bed. See yourself going to the bank with buckets of change that you are converting to dollar bills. See yourself taking $5, $10, and $20 bills and having them converted to $100 bills, just for sake of more efficient storage.

You could pretend that you have a credit card with an unlimited balance that is easily paid, a sort of magic card that you use several times every day because it is very efficient, and then, once a month, you casually write a check that pays for all of the charges you have incurred. Pretend that the ratio of your money in the bank to this month’s credit card balance is so great that paying the bill is inconsequential to your experience.

The more often you play this Finding the Feeling-Place Process, the better you will be at playing it, and the more fun it will become. When you pretend, or selectively remember, you activate new vibrations— and your point of attraction shifts. And when your point of attraction shifts, your life will improve regarding every subject for which you have found a new feeling-place.


Process #19 Releasing Resistance to Become Free of Debt

When to Use This Process:

  • When you want to experience the relief of being debt free.
  • When you want to create a larger spread between what you earn and what you spend.
  • When you want to feel better about money.
  • When you want to increase the flow of money through your experience.


Current Emotional Set-Point Range

This process to Become Free of Debt will be of the most value to you when your Emotional Set-Point is ranging somewhere between: (10) Frustration/Irritation/Impatience and (22) Fear/Grief/Depression/ Despair/Powerlessness.

To begin the process of Releasing Resistance to Become Free of Debt, obtain a columnar writing pad with as many columns as you have monthly expenditures. Now, beginning in the far left column, write a heading that describes your largest monthly outgo. For example, if the largest check that you write each month is your house payment, then you would write as a header: “House Payment.” And next, on the first line beneath the header, write the dollar amount of that house payment. Now, circle this amount, which represents the amount you are obligated to pay each month, and then, on the third line, enter the total outstanding debt for this “House Payment” category.

Next, enter your second largest payment in the second column, your third largest payment in the third column, and so on. And across the top of your columnar pad, write the following affirmation: It is my desire to keep my promise regarding all of these financial obligations, and in some cases I will even do twice as much as is required.

Each time you receive a bill, get out your columnar pad and adjust, if necessary, the minimum monthly amount that is required. If it stays the same, then write the same figure.

The first time you receive a bill, or when it is time to make the payment for the category that is on the far right column of your pad (in other words, the smallest payment you make each month), write the check for exactly twice what is required. And as you do so, write in the new amount of that outstanding balance.

This may seem a little strange to you when you first begin to play the game, but even if you do not have enough money to pay everything you owe in all of the columns, still double the payment in the far right column. And feel glad that you have kept your new promise to yourself to do your best to pay everything you owe, and to do even twice that amount in some cases.

Because you are looking at your finances in a way that is new, your vibration will begin to shift right away. As you feel even the slightest bit of pride for keeping your word, your vibration will shift. As you keep your promise about doubling up on payments, your vibration will shift. And with this shift, even if it is slight, things will begin to change in your financial condition.

If you will take the time to really enter everything you owe on the columnar pad, your newly focused attention will begin to positively activate circumstances around the subject of money for you. Instead of feeling discouraged as you find yet another bill in your mailbox, you will feel an eagerness to enter the bill on your columnar pad. And with this shift in attitude and vibration, things will begin to change in your financial picture.

Money that you were not expecting will appear in your experience. Bargains will reveal themselves, so your dollars will go further than you expected. All kinds of unusual financial things will occur, and when they do, be consciously aware that these things are happening in response to your newly focused attention and the resultant shift in your vibration.

As extra money appears, you will find yourself eager to apply another payment to the far right column. And soon, that debt will be paid, and you can eliminate that column from your pad. Column after column will disappear as your financial gap between what is coming in and what is going out widens. Your sense of financial well-being will improve on the first day you play this game. And if you will take the game seriously, your vibration around money will shift so significantly that you can be debt free in a short time, if that is your desire.

There is nothing wrong with debt, but if your debt feels like a heavy burden, then your vibration around money is one of resistance. When the burden has lifted, when you feel lighter and freer, your resistance has lifted, and you are now in the position to allow the Well-Being to flow abundantly into your experience.