Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Time planning and management is a very important attribute of superstars. Everyone has equal time in a day to do all they have to do but we don’t have all the time at our disposal. Those who become superstars tend to do more within the available time than the average person will.

You have to begin the day early. Only Mediocres wait till later. Events for the day must be worked out early, planned out and given enough time in the day to get them done. Because we don’t have all the time, all the time we need depends on how much of it we are able to create.

You need a timetable for the day. As much as you don’t want to act animated, you have to be sure you can do so much with the limited time at your disposal. Let everything you do be done at the right time without allowing for waste.

Time is precious. Don’t spend it on unimportant issues. You can afford to give up any task that isn’t worth the time you are putting on it and get to do something else of value.

Treat time as a scarce commodity. Plan the day with most important events given priority and the least important ones staying down the line. This will enable more of important things being done.

Don’t spend your time sleeping. Spend time working hard in pursuance of the status you desire. While mediocres sleep through the night, superstars stay awake through it working hard towards their goals. You have to always be doing something in the direction of your goal.

Be an expert time manager. Don’t allow distractions on your path to getting your goal achieved. Learn to finish your task first before getting over to the distraction. Don’t impulse-react to situations; take your time to reason out an action before jumping at taking action.

Punctuality is the soul of business. Develop the punctuality attribute as a trait. Always be on time. Anything that has to be done should be done in time so as to move to other things too that have to be done.

Don’t be late for any event especially one that provides the platform for the further development of your skill and talents. The little time you miss could be all the time you should have benefitted from it.

Opportunity doesn’t arrive twice. Choose to seize an opportunity immediately it arrives, do all you can do when you can do it because another time may not just suite.

I listened to one preacher share with his congregation how he seizes the opportunities he has to meet more senior preachers  to ask very important questions about the ministry because he knows opportunity to meet such ministers don’t often reveal themselves. You have to prepare for the opportunity you want always so that when it arrives they immediately seize.

Those who yearn to be superstars develop a shrewd knowledge of time. Every second counts in the direction of the status. Give up every other goal and pursue the status. A student who desires to be a first-class student will spend more time studying than his peers. They’d give up other acts that may also attract their fancy.

The best time to get anything done is now. Now is the time to do great things, it is the time to work hard towards their desired status. Get procrastination out of your dictionary. A man who procrastinates is unserious.

The building block for the attainment of the superstar status is to understand the value of each second. Each worthwhile second in the direction of your goal is worth it. Mediocres put nothing as being too valuable, but for the superstar seeking man like you, you have to manage this virtue. Once you can, every other thing will fall in place.

For everything, there is a time and a season under heaven, the Bible states. Becoming a superstar doesn’t come immediately you start in its direction. There is a time to work in its direction and there is a time when the status is attained. Time always has a way to arrive for the man who prepares himself for it. The time for the attainment of your goal arrives as you work hard every now time in anticipation of that time.

Desire to create records. Look at what has being achieved previously and the time it took to achieve it and get at outdoing. Many great inventions were actually inventions design to do more in less time.

If you must reach towards superstar status, understand the various facets of time. Time is an asset it should be managed wisely.