Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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At kindergarten, I was taught a song by my teacher “take your time and work very hard, for the days are going by”. I was told that if I wanted to achieve great things in the future, I had to work hard. You have to work hard always putting extra effort towards whatever you are good at.

Anyone who wants the superstar status has to do work putting in all the energy they can towards it. You have to develop a goal at work. This goal should be for you to be the best at what you do. Define your final endpoint and work towards it. Set a goal to get at the top and be the definition of the top.

However little your present efforts are, do little consistently while in pursuit of your huge goal. Once your goal is defined, start spinning even if it means working odd hours. Don’t stop until your goal is achieved.

Learn to increase your goals continuously. Don’t keep stagnant goals. With each goal that is attained, set a new one. Get busy even when you are achieving so much.

You have to be diligent at working on your goal. Your superstar goal may seem huge but you are also massively empowered to reach it if you are diligent at it. Diligence at work is a very important virtue. Stardom doesn’t arrive over a night’s work. You first find a starting point and work with diligence bit by bit. We often think we should do so much immediately we start but the capacity doesn’t arrive overnight. It arrives over nights and days of working towards it.

To be diligent at work means, you have to be cautious to keep at the task, being thorough and putting in persistent effort to see its success. As a student in school, you had to study thoroughly and spend more time at your books to make good grades.

Those who are superstars today weren’t when they started out. They kept working at it. You have to set your eyes at what you want and keep working at it. People certainly notice your hard work and begin the process of celebrating you before you attain the status.

When we work hard, the signs reveal themselves in the laurels that arrive. Christiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, LeBron James and other sporting superstars are not just known for their skills while playing, they are known for their hard work at developing their skill. They’ve won laurels to show for it.

The more you work at what you do, the better you become, and the chance is you become known only when you become the best. People flock around those who become masters at what they do.

Carry the right mentality with you at work. Learn not to cut corners, follow due process. As much as you gun to be a superstar, you’d be better off doing it right or you don’t do it at all.

Don’t make your quest for stardom a do or die affair that requires you cutting corners. Real stars achieve their status devoid of any maneuverings. Labor the right way. Former Olympic champion Marion Jones had conquered the cycling world winning championships upon championships, medals upon medals and would have continued on that path if it was not discovered that he had gotten involved in doping (a term for taking illegal drugs to spur ones performance). He came down from his very high height losing all the medals he had ever won.

Those who get to the top cutting corners actually fall to the ground with a loud bang. You’d be better off doing your best with your capacity and improving on it steadily than breaking the rules in a bid to get up fast. Those who rush to the top always rush down the same way. True superstars work hard to the top and through hard work stay up there.

A man who takes his work seriously is sure bound for success. You only discover secrets at your task because you are persistent and diligent. You develop the needed knowledge to get over the challenges that arrives doing the work by actually doing the work. This will actually spur you to read and get knowledge from other sources which you will put into your work to enable it work out the way you want it. Not everyone will do this.

If you are looking at the immediate gains you’d gain for your work, you are looking too little. The actual profits don’t arrive when starting out, it is overtime. You can accept to get little provided there is an opportunity for growth and expansion. You certainly will get there before long.

Those who look for immediate profits don’t go far. The actual profits are far ahead and only those who would see beyond today’s profits actually get there. The profits you’d get tomorrow is certainly huge but will only arrive if you give up today’s. Have your eyes set at the huge profit of tomorrow.

Those celebrities you know earn so huge but once they had to put in so much money into what they were doing. Stardom has a way of increasing ones value when it arrives but it doesn’t arrive except you pay the sacrifice, today’s enjoyment.

Make the utmost sacrifice today, work hard.