Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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There is always space at the top, so a popular cliché holds. The only time we get to know that there is space and free space for possibilities is when we get to the top. As much as we are under, there is no space up until those up are shifted or moved away. 

We’ve carried the belief from when we were young that contentment is great gain and that we should be satisfied with what we have. We carry this thinking philosophy that it is not ideal to ask for more of what we think we deserve.

As you reach for superstar status, one attribute that will stand you away from others is the quest for more in the direction of your pursuit. The only proof that you are ahead of the pack is how much more than others you have or are doing. If you have to stay up, you have to keep doing more else others who aren’t also relenting will catch with you.

There is no place for contentment when you are pushing to become a superstar. When you attain your initial goals of beating the challenge, you’d discover that others no longer define your goal but you. The moment you stop moving, you make yourself an immediate target for overthrow.

Your quest should be to stay up as long as you can and this means working hard at developing new ideas, grabbing new skills and knowledge to keep you ahead. To stay ahead isn’t an easy task. Some person may ask “oh you have achieved everything, what else are you looking for?” Well, they don’t know what else you are looking for because you don’t think and see the same way.

The superstar is hungry for more laurels and glory. This hunger brought him his status and as long as he fans that hunger, he can keep the status. As long as you keep your pursuit intact and your followers adore you, you are safe. The moment you lose sight or fail, they get a new port where they can celebrate another superstar.

Musical icons are famous and heavily followed because they sing great songs. You might have noticed that the moment they fail to release any hit song over time, the iconic aura fades. No one tends to notice them because they no longer are the center of attraction and attention.

Your push to be a superstar requires that you consistently get at working one more extra success for each success you have achieved. Achieve and keep working. You only achieve your superstar status and stay there when you are able to perform at that level for much longer time.

Tiger Woods is a legendary golf superstar. He played the golf game so well and became the definition of the game for so many years however when he had family challenges that got him to divorce his wife, his career took a downward turn and he struggled to find the height he once was celebrated for. Many others caught up with him and are now playing better. That moment you allow yourself slip could be all the moment that is needed to make you lose your status.

Develop a voracious hunger and appetite to keep at getting more. Being a superstar could be huge. You have to stay at working harder than you even worked to get there. True when you become a superstar, you become famous; you have a better standard of living, and become almost like a god. This lifestyle also triggers some pressure to continue to stay at that level; it just means you have to keep at it.

During moments of setbacks, superstars don’t stop at attaining their status. You have to keep running even when you break your limb. Gabriel Selassie, the Ethiopian eight hundred meters champion once while running at the IAAF world athletic championships in 2002 had broken his foot just at the point when he was leading. He kept running however and finished the race.

When asked why he didn’t leave the race after breaking his foot, he said he would have lost the race if he had failed to finish it. It didn’t matter if his legs were broken; the most important was that he finished the race even if he got no medal for it. He ended up the winner for that race. No one knew the man who won gold at that race but Gabriel will never be forgotten. That’s a superstar mentality. When you get a setback, get going.

Needing more doesn’t necessarily mean breaking corners or using unethical schemes. It means just working more on a skill or talent through acquiring new knowledge. More arrives when you are able to acquire more knowledge to improve on what you have being doing. The superstar mentality is “there is more where little has arrived from”. There is chance to continue to achieve infinitesimally once you can find a way to always improve.

Anyone who is content with where he is, is a mediocre. The world of achievers doesn’t allow a place for men who want to remain where they have being, how they have being or what they have being doing. Every year, latest editions and models of vehicles are released with up to date technology. The manufacturers know they have to find a way to come up with new styles or models or they soon become phased out. Society wants improvements.

You can’t afford to remain where you are.  If you’ve won a bronze medal, you can win silver, if you won silver, you can go for gold. It is not possible that everything that can be won has being won. There is more down that same path. Find it.

Has everything to be won being won? I say no! All the standards and laurels were defined by some other person’s achievement. When you reach them, it’s time to surpass them. You can define the standard, that’s the more.

Lionel Messi, the football legend has won the FIFA world footballer of the year just as Ronaldo De Lima, Ronaldinho, Zidane, George Weah have. The difference is Messi has done it a record five times. Any person who would win it will have to do it five times to be considered equal to Messi. Messi has defined the award.

There is more at that place you are achieving some success at. Get more, your superstar status is defined by how much you can get that others can’t.