Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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You don’t just attain a status when you become a superstar, you become an institution, a standard to which everyone makes comparism with. When the term institution is mentioned, we often tend to think first of work places whether government, private enterprises or the academia. This limited definition often blinds the average thinking man.

An institution could mean a person of real importance and influence who has power and attracts authority to himself in society. He attracts followers to himself who considers him a model to be followed.

Many superstars have turned out to be institutions. Pele is very influential in his native brazil, Maradona is considered a god of football, Messi has being idolized, Christiano Ronaldo has national relics to his name, Michael Jackson is associated with pop music, Mohammed Ali is associated with boxing, Michael Jordan is associated with basketball, Tiger woods is associate with golf. This is the height of super stardom.

I wrote in the previous chapter how you have to become the standard. Mr. Hyundai had applied at Toyota as a mechanic and was turned down because he wasn’t good enough for Toyota’s high standard. Encouraged by his friends and associates however, he picked his dream and started his car manufacturing company. Today Hyundai has become a great institution competing highly with Toyota. Every global institution today started out as a mare dream but they walked their way first to national prominence and then to international repute.

Face book started out as an idea of communication between a few friends. It moved from a few friends to a campus communication system. Today it is a global institution in which every family is represented and it is still growing.

Your quest to become a superstar should not just be to drive a few cars or wear a few designer wears. That’s great but superstar status is much more than that. You have to become a household name, creating opportunity for people.

Many of today’s global companies started out as some persons desire to be the port of call for their products. Toyota started out defining his goal of becoming the best car manufacturer in the world. If your goal is not to define your standard, you probably cannot become an institution.

You have to find your area of strength. You can’t be a superstar at everything you do but at something. Those who begin their journey at becoming a superstar look first for that one thing that they can very well do. It is only at what you are very good at that you can become an institution. If you think you can manufacture biros, manufacture the best biros so that when biros are looked for, you are the one they turn to.

Some companies are known to produce just one product even though they produce quite a number of other products. Hewlett Packard is majorly renowned for its quality computing products even though it develops a host of other electronic gadgets. LG is known for its high definition television and sound systems. People run to those companies whose area of strength is in the products they want. They’d prefer a company they know can deliver the quality product they want than another quality company which produces similar product but are not known for that product.

Discover your own field of strength and work strictly on that area however successful others are doing in other fields. Make yourself a name and a standard for others to run to. When you are known for what you are great at, people will naturally run to you.

As a young writer having a goal to be a globally well sought institution in my genre of writing, I hope to be the source of major quotes by other authors. People quote other persons who have become institutions. Their opinion is considered as standards and they are often considered right.

Institutions of learning often welcome students from all works of life, who receive knowledge from her and graduate from her. It is a permanent place. A superstar has so much experience to share from the numerous mountains and thorns that characterizes their paths. You have a great story. How you are coming about it is worth sharing. When you share, you put yourself at a higher pedestal.

The more of what you know and share, the greater an institution you become. People tend to run to get more from a source because they are aware that there is always more from where little has arrived from.

Christiano Ronaldo the superstar footballer did not have a great UEFA championship campaign playing for his country Portugal in France 2016. He only managed a meager three goals for a player known for scoring goals and he was hardly inspirational. As the captain of his national team however, he marshaled his team notwithstanding to the final of the championship. In what turned out a disaster coming down injured just at the beginning of the match, he had to quit the final game when he was needed most. It seemed that all the world knew of Ronaldo was just his talents at scoring goals but he knew right in that place where the tenacity to score goals is propelled is also the super motivating coach. Ronaldo returned from the dressing room still injured to inspire his team to victory. He placed his name in the history books of his country forever not as a scorer but as a motivating assistant coach.

There was always more to Ronaldo than just his stylish play on the pitch. You can hardly mention motivation and inspiration in sports and not find a story about Ronaldo. If you think you are breaking down, it’s just an opportunity to institutionalize your capacity.

You can become the institution. You can become the definition of hard work, perseverance and diligence. Get working at what you are doing. Very soon, you will become the institution for it.