Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Everyone needs someone. We need family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances and we need the right ones. The persons we hang around define our state of mind, belief, philosophy, and how far we’d go. You can’t go beyond those you hang around.

It’s not just enough to yearn to be a superstar. You have to build yourself around people who can also push you toward its direction. No one who wants to be a superstar will hang around mediocres. Mediocres aren’t forward thinking. They always create reason to draw you backwards even when you have a great thought.

Mediocres lack foresight. They live for today and that’s far from the type of life that characterizes the superstar. You have to develop sharp vision toward the future and you need people who will see along with you and be able to give you quality advice in its pursuit.

It’s rare to find a lion eating vegetable beside a goat. It doesn’t happen. You realize that if you are going to get to the high height you want to be at, you need people who also want to stay there with you. You need people with the superstar orientation.

You need to connect to persons who are far ahead of you. You get far easier when you have experience hands ahead that have gone through the path you are desirous of getting to. You can easily get up when there are hands stretched towards you. As much as you have to lift people up with you, you need people to lift you too. You have to keep your gaze up and find those who can also mentor your high desire. They’d offer you credible advice and guidance.

Create a network of people lower than you who yearn to be like you. Make yourself a mentor. Don’t force yourself around people but be amenable to them. They’d come naturally because they see the quality they want in you. You need these set of persons because they offer you the prestige you want and the confidence of knowing there are people looking up to you. They are also very good helping hands for some menial task that you would want to carry out.

Keep superstars friend who are just like you. These ones hang with you and share ideas and challenges with you. They encourage, build partnership, and support you through moments of discouragement that often characterizes the path of the superstar. They are able to do this because they face similar challenges. They build synergy with you and encourage you to get going on your path to stardom. These are the persons who share the superstar stage with you. Not all superstars are friends. You have to be on the watch out too for those who see you only as the competition. You can do well to avoid such persons.

You need a network of people who aren’t superstars parse but they have the wherewithal to support your projects. There are persons who have the finance to push forward projects but may not necessarily want the name and fame for it. These persons are philanthropists who support useful courses that superstars pursue. They just love the glory of knowing they backed the superstar.

You need to be sure of those who hang around you. You can lose your credibility when you hang around people who are known to break the laws of the land or who are known for criminality. Take your time to know those you draw close to you and break of from them once you discover any untoward behavior.

Have a network of persons who do not necessarily want to be like you but who want to cheer you. These are the ones who like what you are doing and they just love to be your fan delighting in your skill. These persons often form themselves into fans club. You also have to be mindful of them too because they may port to some other superstar or quit supporting you altogether.

The superstar attribute is one that gets people around you. You thus have to focus on developing people to recognize their potentials just as you have while also celebrating you. You could organize talent shows to catch new talents and to build them. You’d be getting more fame for these.

Act wisely. People around you can make or mar you. No one shines alone but you could fall from shining alone. How far you go may just be because of how far some other person had gone. Isaac Newton stated thus; if there is anything I have achieved, it is because I had shoulders that I could climb on. You need the right people who can walk you to the status you want to be at.

Don’t expect to be a lone star. In the skyline during the night, you’d see many stars. One star doesn’t make the night bright, many stars do. The stars may not shine equally, and that’s no problem provided they are all shining within their capacity. You need other stars even if they don’t shine like you.

Our success is measured by the number of successful persons around us. Empower people. You have achieved so much because others around you have to be empowered too.

Always make sure to connect with people who won’t waste your time but would add value to you, someone you can run to when you need a great advice to make a decision.

Don’t demean others, especially if they are lower than you. You have to treat them with love and respect because your stardom partly arrives because of your hard work and the appreciation of your work that they bring. If your work is not appreciated, your hard work is useless.