Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Superstars have huge desires. What are your desires? You have to be spurred by your desire. At kindergarten, our teachers often asked what we hoped to become. We’d reply what our desires were. However little we were, we had huge desires. Today as grownups, some persons have become those desires. I had desired to become an engineer and I actually ended up at engineering school twelve years later.

Superstars understand the forces that propel desires. Take note, we don’t get what we don’t want. What one desires actually finds a way to arrive when the desire is forceful enough.

Our desire spurs our action. If you really want it, you can really get it. The rational for becoming a superstar is “do I really want it?” if you don’t want it, it makes no sense gunning for something you don’t want. We value what we want. Value is often placed at a prized asset.

What characterizes the desires of the superstar? As a person desiring superstar status, you don’t just have to desire, everyone has desires. Some of them are the very common desires of being able to get a good job, having a great spouse, having children, getting a degree, enjoying good health, visiting nice places and perhaps living long. The actual desire of the superstar takes a divergent route form these everyday desires

The desire to be famous. The fuel that drives superstars is the fame. The more famous you become, the more famous you want to become. This fame is obtained by being the final bus stop at what you do.

The desire to be renowned. When standards are being sought, you have to make yourself that standard. Hope to be known for the standards you set and want to be celebrated for that.

The desire to be read. Only those who find their way to books become infinite superstars. One may do great stuff, sing great songs act great movies but soonest become history. But a man who finds himself into a book lives on. Superstars who may not be able to write find authors who will or find a way to get at acts that will attract writers who will write about them. Their goal isn’t to make profits; they are just looking for a way to get into history.

The desire to be celebrated. While most persons just struggle to get past each day, you have to get past each day being celebrated for it. You can be the fancy of the crowd who feed you with the impetus to continuing at what had brought you the fame in the first place.

The desire to be phenomenal. Be the driver, be too good and excellently performing, propel major events in society and be the inspiration around which every other person finds their capability.

The desire to be extraordinary. Don’t think about acting the ordinary scenes which everyone would like to act. Act the most outrageous scene. Look out for opportunity to show there is an extra stuff on what others can do.

Develop candid desires. If you want the superstar status, you don’t have to hide it. Find it. Superstars are always laboring in the direction of their wants. It could take laboring through the day and night to reach their goal but when they reach it, they celebrate with those who labored with them.

Be the center of attraction. Be the one drawing the strings, the initiator. This is why superstars dress and act in a way to attract attention to himself.

Stay at the peak. Don’t just talk it, mean it. Mohammed Ali said it and meant it. He’d often say “I’d be champion of the world” and worked on it practicing to deliver killer punches that sent other boxers down. He had the heaviest blows in boxing history.

Your desire should be the propellant to activating the kind of life you want in reality. Let your desire stir you up to act in spite of the limitations and encumbrances. The more we push forward our desires, the greater chance we will get what we want.

The movements that saw the end of colonialism across the world began as mare desires of the natives to define their own future. These natives were called nationalists. They put their desires ahead of other interests, they accepted getting into prison pushing their desires and the strength of their desires kept them fighting even in the prisons. Men like Gandhi, Mandela, Kaunda are examples.

The prize you have to pay for your desires is “keep working”. Work on it even if there is no initial progress. Once you set your hands on the plough, you cannot afford to look back else you’d be hungry.

Make your desires a must get. That’s what superstars do. The best sports teams across the world start their season with the desire to win. Filled with these desire, they’d practice and get the best players to help accomplish these goals.

When you have a desire, a way arrives for you to attain it. If you don’t desire it, don’t expect it. Fill your desires with as much things you think you should get. That’s how far you will get. If you feed yourself with little desires, that’s just as much you’d get.

Keep your superstar status desire, you would be there in no time.