Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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When one steps into a company for the first time, you’d often not find it difficult to differentiate who the boss is. The difference we see is the pose. A pose is the pattern of sitting, walking or acting that reveals one’s personality and that is intended to impress other people.

When the president of your country is taking a walk along with his ministers or aides, a first timer to that country will easily notice the president without anyone describing him. He walks in a way that reveals an aura and importance with each step. You’d notice that he sets the pace and others lower or increase their pace to catch up with him.

Those who make it to superstar status tend to develop a unique walking pattern that informs people of their importance. They walk keeping their head up and shoulders high acting very important and looking keenly at those they are speaking to. They speak in a way that exudes charisma and authority.

Your worth and image could be improved by the way you communicate with people. When you communicate right, you could impress your followers to continue to follow you.

A couple of superstars had to change their accent, take a couple of courses at school just to improve their use of the language of communication in their country. People know how superstars sound and they love to know their superstar sound great.

Develop your original dress sense. Define your style. You could get your own designers to design a design that could become associated with you. People love to dress like their superstar and when they dress like you, they are showing their support for you. If you can afford it, go for quality wears. Superstars dress very costly brands going for the best designers and global brands.

You’d have to reside in a location where persons of similar status reside. You need a house in a posh location and the latest edition of car models. As much as this may seem grandiose, superstars believe in the grand life and they want to be noticed for this. They’d often pose for picture shots revealing their latest assets. Once you become a superstar, you can’t hide it. The change of taste and quality of life soon reveals itself.

People could go gaga for gifts from a superstar. They know these things are not the everyday assets. I found myself in a Christian musical concert some years back and it featured a musical superstar by the name Joe. It was an immense and exciting night but I could remember Joe giving a person his bracelet and he said he had bought it for $10000 in Johannesburg.

You may watch the WWE. I watch sometimes. When the wrestling superstars arrive at the arena, they always have a dressing style and entry mode that welcomes them. The spectators also join in displaying the wrestler’s style to show their support for the wrestler.

People take delight in doing it like their superstar. During childhood, I had intense passion for football. I played well. I remember that we had the likes of Zinedine Zidane, Ronaldo, JJ Okocha, and Chilavert who we looked up to. It was great being considered as good as any of them. Even the way you walk and talk can be copied. Michael Jackson, the late pop icon could easily have found his replicates in every town across the world. There are too many young people who moon walk like Jackson.

Boxing legend, Mike Tyson was known to cut his hair in a certain way. His style traveled across the world. The style was known as “Tyson”. I once had that hair style. Soccer players like Evra, Ronaldo etc. have had similar fate.

What you do can easily be transmitted across the world once you are at the superstar status. This is because fans believe that the superstar is always right. “He is famous and therefore right”, they’d always conclude.

During my undergraduate days at the university, there were five outstanding students in my class who we considered exceptional. They were the superstars of the class. We assumed that these students could never get assignments wrong and they never did. They were just too fantastic for the rest of the class that however sure other students were about a sum, they had to confirm first from any of these five students. At a point some students did not need to solve their sums, they just waited till any of these had done it and they’d copy.

Everyone wants to do it like the superstar. Everyone thinks that if the superstar is doing it, that’s because it is correct. Well, if you must be a superstar, you must define your own correct way. Technically, the correct way for getting anything done can only be defined by a person who proves that that correct way actually works. Superstars prove their way is correct because it works for them. The general consensus is, if it works for them, it could work for anyone.

You want to be a superstar? Define your own correct pose and let it work for you. Everyone will follow you soon.