Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Superstars are enterprising. To be enterprising means to be able to think of new projects or new ways of doing things and make them successful. The superstar life is one of doing and making.

No one sleeps to becoming a superstar. No one has become famous yet for sleeping. If you sleep too long, that may be a health issue. To survive in life one has to get at doing something.

You have to be involved with active work. You can only become a superstar at what you are doing. If you aren’t doing something, you don’t become famous for nothing.

The superstar’s brain is always working at something new at what they aim at. Superstars don’t just hope on just developing their talent, they are entrepreneurs and investors. You can start new projects and get through with them. As much as you have time to relax, you can use those moments of relaxation to think out great ideas.

Once the superstar gets an idea, he puts it down on paper and sketches the game plan to get it achieved. However slim the possibility of it coming through is, he keeps working. If you are to become a superstar, you must keep working irrespective of what comes.

To be enterprising means you are creating a way amidst a difficult situation. Create a means to get over your challenges through creativity at getting great ideas. To be enterprising doesn’t just mean working or doing, you have to creatively do it. Creativity is the hallmark of enterprise.

You can start projects that attract attention to a cause, to get right challenges in the society. Superstars engage in humanitarian acts. They may not have all the finance to push it all the way but they are aware they can garner support from people so they work at resolving issues in society and finding a better way than what has being done.

Society is changing. Only those who are creative get ahead of the change because they cause the change. You can change the way a thing has being done by coming out with yours.

All the inventors we celebrate are superstars who defined how things in the future would be done by changing what they had met for something they thought was better. The Wright brothers turned out immediate superstars from being just auto mechanics. They were enterprising and they changed the face of transportation forever.

Karl Benz was a technician but stepped into superstardom when he invented the automobile. He changed road transportation forever. Today the name car is crafted from Karl’s name.

Those who change procedures and ways of getting things done were doing when they discovered the loopholes that characterized what they were doing. You will not discover a challenge at a procedure except you’ve being at that procedure. You have to be doing and making effort even when you don’t get the total solution. There is no final solution, there is only a possibility of better, if you don’t do, better doesn’t arrive.

Today’s Ford explorers aren’t similar versions that the Ford Company manufactured in the 80’s. Today’s cars are better, faster, more comfortable, spacious and safe yet car manufacturers boast that they are working on the designs of the future. As comfortable, stylish and gadgets filled today’s vehicles are, they still think that there is more.

You can’t reach a place of permanent stardom. It’s only at death that you reach this feat. This means, you could easily lose the status if you get things wrong. People expect better performance however good you are. You only stay up by gunning for better.

The future will be lived by those who are working at it today. This means, you don’t work just to satisfy today, you work to bring tomorrow into existence, when tomorrow arrives. Hyundai, a Korean car manufacturer boasts of producing today the cars of the future. You can be working today to make for tomorrow the better that it needs.

The companies that failed to plan in anticipation of tomorrow folded up even when they were doing great at the time. Those who weren’t even doing well but looked into the future and prepared for the future are very much in business.

You can define creativity. You can create systems that no one ever used but which you expect people to use in the future. When a superstar invents a product, people find a way to learn to use it. Ask apple corporations. When they started at producing their touch screen apple phones, people thought it was impossible, it was wild idea and it would make no breakthrough in the phone market. They were wrong. Apple was a superstar company owned by a superstar. The first models of phones were oversubscribed and they’ve being doing excellently since. Other companies even had to copy the technology.

Go about doing. Don’t sit idle. Don’t sleep when you should be working. Your ability to create influence is only when you are doing something. You may not make much influence today but if you keep at it you will soon.

You are enterprising, find that enterprise and do it. Work, do, and make.