Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Superstars show immense commitment to any task they undertake. To show commitment means to put all your effort at getting a thing to work. No one attains greatness without being committed to it. We know that superstar status doesn’t come easy. We have to keep working at it till we achieve it. Commitment is one attribute superstars develop during the period when they are pursuing the status. They apply this quality to everything they do even at the attainment of the status.

We know it is not enough to work towards the top; the challenge is actually staying there at the top. You need to be committed to staying at the top to actually stay there.

Being committed is a responsibility and the superstars reveal this when they set at a cause until they attain the result they hope to get with the cause.

Because people expect so much from the superstar, he finds himself having to live sacrificially. It’s not easy to sacrifice, it’s a commitment to put yourself down or to give up what you hold dear in order to carry others with you. It will cost you something dear.

To show commitment requires a willingness to work. No one becomes committed if there is no initial willingness to get it done. You don’t have to be forced to get something done. If you are forced at it, you’d give less than average to it. That’s fact. Do what you do with your will.

Some persons make promises because they think that by virtue of their status, they should be acting in a particular way and helping people, but they fail to keep with their promise. Sometimes, when reminded of their promise, they tell you they just had to give a promise to get themselves off the expectations of the people not necessarily because they meant it. If you act this way, you make yourself a fool and you lose trust. If you can’t, just say it.

You need employ energy, more energy than others are ready to put in to show how committed you are. You’d be a tireless worker, mentally, psychologically and physically.

Time is a needed resource. You need so much of it when you are committed to a task. The quality of it you put into what you are doing affects how much success you attain. Spend more time at what you do and more will arrive very soon.

You have to put in your financial resources. Some persons may not have the time or energy to join the task but their money does much. If you’ve got so much money, you need it to get at working. Money has a way of getting influence for those who know how to use it.

Your presence could be all the commitment you can afford. That’s enough when it’s all your presence you can offer. Your words of advice and encouragement could be a very powerful too. Some persons are great advisers and motivators who help people do more when they are around.

You don’t just attain superstar status by doing what everyone else is doing. You have to do much more than everyone is doing. You have to give your time, resources and all you have. You have to focus, giving attention and effort.

How you act and react determine how committed you are. I tell those who work with me that I know how committed they are by just looking at the attendance book. The committed ones get themselves early to work and more often.

How you speak also reveals itself in how committed you are. The kind of words you speak will show how serious you are about getting a thing done. You’ have to often say “it is possible” when things aren’t looking rosy.

What you are ready to give up reveals your commitment. If you are not ready to give up anything in pursuit of your status, you aren’t committed to it. Sometimes there are things we hold on to that are not needed on our path to superstar status. It could be an addiction to a particular drug or a habit. You can give it up.

How important you consider a thing to be can describe how committed you are. If you hold your status loosely, you’d lose it before long. Anything you don’t take serious doesn’t offer you anything serious in return.

Your commitment propels you to go an extra mile than others will do. Show faith and devotion. Be cautious too. Some decisions are not meant to be taken irrationally. One has to show fidelity, loyalty and pledge to the attainment or achievement of a task.

Nothing great is achieved without showing serious devotion to it. To profit, you have to put something down. The banks don’t give you profit except you save in them.

Stay put at what you are doing. The little you have benefited isn’t all there is. There is much more water from that well where you have gotten a cup from. Show commitment.