Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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One mistake many superstars make is the thought that once they have attained their status, they are too big to listen to anybody. Many become commanders almost immediately. Great superstars however will listen.

If you will dare to listen, you can discover better ways of doing things than you know. As much as you strive to become a superstar, you don’t have all the knowledge. Those you will find under you may be gifted in certain areas that you aren’t. That they are under you doesn’t mean they don’t have certain talents that you don’t have.

The higher you go, the less free you become, the less likely you will have time for the kind of lifestyle that had once characterized you when you were down the line. You may not be able to get the same information as you always did when you were free. You need these persons who are freer than yourself to get this information for you. You need to listen to them.

You need the voices of those who have achieved and become superstars long before you reached it. Don’t allow your status get over your head. Respect those you’ve come to meet, you show this respect by listening to them.

Listen to superstars who are like you. Don’t think they are the competition. You need their ideas as much as they need yours. You could even collaborate and come up with something bigger than you two can think of independently.

Be attentive while listening. Take note, don’t just hear. Show great concern and give attention to details you may need a pen and a note. Some things you may hear may never be rewind. Get audios or videos if available of those you are listening to. Listen to them over and over again till the words sink inside you.

Being attentive involves listening with all ones senses. It also involves giving full attention to the speaker. You should be seen listening otherwise the speaker may conclude that what they are saying is uninteresting to you or that you are uninterested to listen to them.

Interest can be conveyed to the speaker by using verbal and nonverbal messages such as keeping eye contacts, nodding one’s head, or smiling at the person. You have to show feedback so that the person speaking to you will feel at ease and therefore communicate more easily and honestly.

As a superstar, you may find yourself having to counsel, train and resolve conflicts. Superstars have this responsibility because people tend to listen to them easily. You thus have to fully concentrate, understand, respond appropriately and remember what you have being told.

A person who is affectionate tends to have a listening ear. Being affectionate means being warm, tender and loving. Real superstars require these attributes. You show it by genuinely by being responsible to people around. The first sign of your affection is paying keen attention to the complaints that they have.

True superstars are real and down to earth. You have to love people not necessarily because you want them to love you or follow you. You just love them because it is a lifestyle.

Be warm. Being warm requires that you are welcoming. Make people feel at ease around you, discussing with you, finding you a hand they can run to when they have a challenge. Let them have your ears as the right ears to hear them and your lips as the right lips to speak to your problems.

I’ve learnt over time that how you relate with people could make or mar how far you can go. Its best you treat everyone that comes around you right. Keep etiquettes. Don’t rush to conclude, don’t force your idea, don’t be brutish or forceful. Be amenable; bend even if that’s not what you plan on doing. See in the light of the person and offer advice. Don’t say “you must do this”. Don’t sound authoritarian, people run away from such persons.

Show kindness. You’ve got to be friendly, generous and considerate. Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition and a concern for others. It is both a virtue and a value.

The life of a superstar is an out and out life, you don’t live for yourself. You’d meet people who you’d have to help and who are truly in need not because you would gain any profit.

Being affectionate means you have to be humble, providing warmth for those in the cold. Be tender, feel the way others feel. Picture yourself in the shoes of others, understand why they think the way they do and appreciate them for their uniqueness.

As much as you may be right, whatever the situation, you can as well give up your rightness especially when you are having people who are less than you are.

Be affectionate; be attentive to the needs and pleas of people around you. This is one path to becoming a superstar.