Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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The crowds that turn out every week to watch the WWE do, not because of the entertainment that arrives from every match, but also the suspense that characterizes the matches. I watch these shows on TV while trying to unwind and I marvel at the brilliant and suspense filled tricks that these superstars churn out. They make out exhilarating performances that makes the crow go wow.

The sure way to get to the top is by creating suspense about what you do. You could play around some novel idea, tweak and perhaps arrive at the point of novelty where everyone has to look back at you to be sure you did that.

To create suspense means to suspend one’s imagination. It means being “off the hook”, extraordinarily exciting that people go gaga over what you do. This level of performance however arrives overtime and practice. Some superstars on WWE have a unique grip that gets their opponent finished once they get an opportunity to use it.

I’ve watched the mercurial Zenedine Zidane take five players to scoring a goal, Rooney is great with his bicycle kick, Ronaldinho is wonderful with his cunny play with the ball, Christiano Ronaldo is fast and powerful, Messi is strong and plays with finesse, JJ Okocha was fantastic with his fabulous skill. These have being the finest footballers in the last fifteen years. They had the ability to suspend team mates and wow fans with their individual skills.

What judges look out for on a talent show is the suspense the participants can reveal when they come on stage. These talents are hoping to become the next set of superstars and they must be able to show it by how suspense filled their creativity could and by holding the judges and spectators spell bound.

I watch many got talent shows and I’m often excited at emerging talents with their jaw breaking performances that sometimes keep the judges confused and off their seat.

How does one create suspense? You first have to define what the current superstars are doing and how they are doing it. If the best are doing it and everyone is running to them, you too can fancy your chances by doing what you do the way they are doing it. You have to create your originality and keep it but propagate it the way the superstars had propagated theirs.

Pick up something that has being considered useless and make value out of it. Bamboo sticks aren’t musical instruments but when a musical group in Japan decided to use it to make music, they got noticed.

Simplify challenging procedures. Find a way around very complex ideas if you can get a ten step process done in two steps, that’s exciting.

Act weird. Take a shift from the convention. Convention doesn’t get you noticed except you are the one leading the convention. If everyone’s going right, go left. You may be considered odd but you are noticed for it and you’d be celebrated for choosing to go the other way even if you get it wrong. Don’t be like everybody, everybody is already taken.

Get on fast. If you can do what others have done and have being celebrated faster than they’ve done it, you’d be considered better and you’d become the new celebrity. Whoever challenges the best and beats the best becomes the best.

Find what has being considered impossible. Get at removing the “im”. If you can eat with a wild lion, that’s suspense filled. Make a video sharing your meal with a lion.

Do something no one has ever done. Try it, find those things no one will try doing like run on a rope across two mountain peaks on mountain Everest.

Steal from nature. Everyone is going artificial. If you make a natural solution people will go wow.

Think beyond the box; be flamboyant in your approach. Dazzle.

Find a way to always laugh through the difficult challenge. You will be making a hideous task easy. Radiate happiness, you’d get people asking how you did it so easily without the pain.

Try something risky, if you survive, you’d have created suspense. If you can stand in fire for ten minutes without being burnt, you’d find yourself in the record books.

Try to create an original idea to getting the normal everyday things done. Don’t just dance on your foot, dance on your head and hands. Don’t just move with your leg; try it with your head.

Learn to speak at least five foreign languages. The more languages you can speak the more gifted you seem and you’d be creating some suspense.

Make yourself into a god. Have hoards of people follow you if you can. Drive in a long vehicle arcade, if you can afford it. Have personal guards around you as much as you can.

If you make a two thousand kilometer trek, try it. If you can ride a bicycle across the world, do it. If you can run to the peak of Mount Everest, run.

Start and finish reading the bible in ten hours.

Get the Guinness books of records and decide to break at least one hundred records.

Whatever you can do that gets people wandering where you from, you are on track to super stardom. Amaze the world, that’s what superstars are meant to do.

Get out of the normal, distance yourself from the popular way, create records and break them at will. Be amazing. Be a superstar.