Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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For every creature upon the surface of the earth, God is the center of existence. Outside God, there is nothing that succeeds in its true sense. There is a God that sustains the heavens and the earth, including you and your dreams. Knowing the one that owns the universe makes it easier to excel, shine and rule on earth.

You can often hear people say "I ruined my life with my own hands", but you can never hear anyone say "God ruined my life." No matter how much you love your life, no matter how good your intentions for your life are, there is a possibility you can ruin it with your own hands and plans. But God can never ruin your life. God sustains the heavens from the earth by His spoken word. Your life is too minute for God to mismanage. He will only make your life better when he is hanging with you.

God desires you to fulfill destiny more than anyone else. He wants you to be that superstar that you yearn to be. He desires you to be saved, He desires for your prosperity to transcend beyond this earth. He desires for your soul to prosper, and not only your physical body. He says “My friend and love, I want you to prosper in everything you do and to enjoy health even as your soul enjoys prosperity.” God has a full package that includes every fine thing you desire.

The only thing preventing you from enjoying such good things is your unwillingness to let God into your life and destiny. God desires to raise you up, prosper you and make you a blessing, that superstar you want to be.

All through the bible, God has revealed His desire to prosper you. He wants to make your journey through life a sweat-less one. He says, “If you will listen attentively to my voice and do what I bid you today, I will place you on high, high above all the nations of the world. All these blessings will come down on you and spread out beyond you because you have responded to the voice of God, your God.” The only condition attached to God’s blessing is that you listen to the voice of God and do what he bids you do.

Friend, all that you have learned from this book will amount to little or nothing without obeying God’s instructions. The supernatural, the extraordinary starts happening in your life the moment you acknowledged God’s place in your life.

God desires a personal relationship with you. He desires to make you a superstar on the earth. He seeks to reveal himself and his plans to you. He has plans in place to prosper you, plans bigger than the ones you have for yourself. The only thing stopping all these great plans from happening in your life is you.

You must decide in your heart to listen and obey his voice. I urge you to make a change of heart to live for God. He gave you the life you now enjoy. Why not live this life to please Him and give Him glory?

For some people, the struggles they have been through are just too much, and for others, they are just about to encounter greater struggles. To live a life outside Christ is not easy, it is filled with so many struggles, but to live in Christ is to live in His grace. You must know this, a life outside God is a cumbersome race, but to live in God is grace. I want you to choose His grace today, because where your hands fall, His hands will lift you. I want to welcome you to a glorious life filled with God’s best, a life where you command the supernatural to happen, a beautiful life so many only dream of and imagine but never experience.

Friend, I want to introduce Jesus Christ, the son of the Most-High God to you today. I want you to welcome Him into your heart and life with this few statements: Lord Jesus, I come to You today, because I have seen that You loved me so much and that You died on the cross because of the love You have for me so that my sins could be forgiven. Come into my life today and make me live for you. I accept you today as my Lord and personal Savior. Thank you for saving me, in Jesus name, amen!

Believe me, you have done for yourself what no man can do for you. You have received the free salvation of Jesus Christ. All your struggles and troubles are over. All your sins and shortcomings have been pardoned. You now function in the realm of God’s grace and this grace qualifies you for a superstar life, where you can boldly declare, “my life is shining better and better.”

Your inheritance in Christ is so massive, so massive that you will not be able to comprehend it all in a day. That is why you will need to dwell in His word daily. Read through the bible to find for you, all that is stated concerning you. It’s a bumper package, do not cheat yourself, study the word and get what is yours in the world.

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