Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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To become a superstar is a huge goal. In everyone is that wish to be one. There is the craving to be a hugely accepted and celebrated personality especially amongst young people. We love the crowd running to us and accepting us, modeling their lives with ours and being looked up to.

Because being a superstar is the highest peak of what we are doing, we tend to desire that peak especially because of the improved lifestyle and fame that characterizes the state.

The bigger-than-life lifestyle of most superstars makes it an attractive venture for most persons to venture towards. We tend to look at the lifestyle of superstars and copy them. Those who want to become musicians look up to the superstar musician, wannabe dancers want to look up to the superstar dancer, speakers want to speak like that superstar speaker.

There is the tendency in us to be the best at what we are doing. We don’t become what we don’t wish for. Every great achievement arrives from a desire. It is only what we desire that we push to attain.

Becoming a superstar is not the everyday achievement of waking up from sleep. It’s one that requires a cautious effort to first think through about it, long for it and work toward accomplishing it. It’s a huge process.

When you aspire to achieve a thing, it’s beyond a mare wish. A wish is just a mere thought of intent which may be said out, an aspiration is a wish now backed by an action, not just a one-time action but a continuous action in pursuance of the once thought out wish.

The aspiration to become must be backed with a ferocious desire to act towards it. It’s developing a strong desire and working out on the processes to get the desire achieved.

We don’t just wake up to become a superstar. You become a superstar at doing something. Superstars are not necessarily musicians and actors as is generally thought. You could be a superstar at just about anything you are doing provided you find a way to become the definition of the best at it.

Those who become superstars are often the best at what they do. If you just wish to be a superstar without doing a thing, that’s a waste of your time and thinking faculty.

There’s a superstar inside you and at what you are doing. Some persons will choose to cross over to another field of endeavor because they think that’s where superstars are created. Well, the time you’d use to cross over to something else may just be all the time you need to become the celebrity at what you are currently doing.

The area where you are shining currently has quantum of possibilities in it. For example one may consider shoe making as an odd job but Dolce and Gabana make shoes and they are superstars. One may think that being a tailor wouldn’t take one far but Sean John seams clothes. It’s not about what you do, it’s your persistence at making the best out of it that gets you noticed.

When you have an aspiration to become a superstar at what you are doing, it makes you spend more time doing it than others are doing. More of your energy is put into the task. People easily notice a man who will go far by the quantum of work he puts into what he does. You begin to court attention not for your product, the final endpoint, but for the virtues of handwork, punctuality, persistence which is noticed prior to the completion of the product. The product also turns out better because you spent more time at it.

Messi and Ronaldo are two of modern day football’s superstars. They have broken many records between themselves. Messi is naturally talented; he stuns fans with his immense talent which has made him the superstar that he is. Ronaldo isn’t as talented as Messi but he aspires to be the very best. This makes him work really hard. Ronaldo is at the peak of world football not because he is more talented than the rest of football superstars out there.

There are many footballers more talented than Ronaldo is but the difference is that Ronaldo yearned to take the little talent he had to the peak of world football. The forceful perseverance and determination that characterizes his aspiration has taken him there alongside a very talented Messi.

It’s not enough to have talent. Everyone does. It’s not enough to have ability, every other person does. Messi is talented but one would not have known this if he did not aspire to take his talent to the peak of world football. The difference is how much you desire to get to the very best at what your ability and talent has revealed about you. That’s where the superstars think of staying.

Your aspiration must be fuelled by passion. You don’t become the best at what you don’t show passion for. It is passion that drives you to do all you can to become the best at what you are doing. If you show enough passion, you can keep going, it’s only a matter of time before your passion is right and you reach that extraordinary level.

Aspiration is fuelled by diligence and determination. To get to superstar status, you need to be diligent. This desire comes with huge challenges. You have to push little by little and keep pushing even if all the steps you make is just a step. It’s only those who move that get to achieve. You don’t aspire and remain on your seat hoping it just comes. It will just remain a hope. You have to be doing however little what you do is. When the storms of challenges come to wreck  your aspiration, tell yourself, “I’m going to get at being a superstar, nothing is stopping me” and get going.

You just have to have an aspiration. Don’t just hope.