Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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There’s hardly no superstar who never spoke. They talked about their hopeful status even when all they could do was talking. The mouth is a great weapon that propels to existence the kind of life we think about. Superstars talked their way from before their status till when they achieved it and they still talk of achieving more in their status. They talked it like they were at the status when they started out even when nobody believed in them.

Superstars talk about greatness. They yearn to be great. Mohammed Ali, the late boxing legend always said “before I become forty, I’d be the greatest. He became not too long much earlier than he had spoken. Mohammed Ali believed in his capacity but he couldn’t show it early on in his career however he could say it. He kept saying it and he lived it. You don’t talk mediocrity or the normal, if it isn’t greatness you are aiming for, it’s not worth it. You’ve got to talk into becoming a legend and you will become.

You don’t have to talk small even when things around you seem small. Superstars talk faith. You’ve got to see the possibility of a better greater tomorrow than what today can offer. Get people to wonder at your belief  system, keep talking tomorrow as being better and greater, talk faith, faith will propel you to achieving

You can’t afford to quit. Superstars don’t quit. They keep saying “I am challenging” even when they know like everyone else that the challenges are huge and intimidating. When people talk quitting, its time you show you’ve got more in there. You need know that in the midst of challenges is the opportunity for celebration. Challenges don’t arrive to a man except it is time to be celebrated.

You’ve got to dare, even when you see that the route is filled with broken bottles and ragged mountains. Superstars dare. The path to stardom isn’t an easy path but they go anyway determined to come through it. You need see your challenges as illusions and dare to get over them. However high the mountain, you can climb it. Superstars always say “we are able”. You too are very well able, just dare.

You have to talk victory. The game may be tough, no game is easy. The difference for superstars is their expectation of victory not just by thinking it but by talking it. They may be challenging the most advanced team in the tournament or the most tactical side but they talk winning. You have to see yourself as the victor even when you have the best all around you. You can be the best amongst the best, that’s the superstar mentality.

You’ve got to talk possibilities. The situation may be hopeless and it’s clear it is but you don’t have to conclude. There is always a ray of light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dark the section of the tunnel you are at now. Superstars talk a way into existence; you’ve got to keep talking of a way, an end at sight.

Talk tough. When there is a situation when your capacity is being demeaned, you can only show how tough you are by how tough you talk. Superstars show what they mean by talking what they mean. If you mean to challenge, just say it.

Talk influence. Superstars influence people. You can only influence people by your words. It is only through your words that you transfer your believe system and thought pattern. Your friends need to draw inspiration and get direction from your words. It should be lifting and kind.

Talk rationally. Superstars are careful at what they say. They reason clearly before getting words out of their lips. You don’t just talk because everyone is saying something. You’ve got to watch what you say and how you say it. Always talk because there is a need not because you just have to talk. The fewer your words, the more of it is wanted.

Superstars talk inspiringly. They encourage others to discover themselves and become superstars like themselves. When people are down cast, your words can encourage them. You can propel confidence and enthusiasm in people to do something well beyond their capacity or what they were expected to do. Help people find the possibilities they are able to attain.

Superstars talk firmly. You don’t mince words about what you say. What you say should be what you mean. Realize that you could be quoted and you should hope and desire to be quoted. Talk in such a way as to attract honour to you and you will be taken seriously.

Enlighten. Superstars are very knowledgeable. Their words carry so much knowledge. You have to speak knowledge. This puts upon you a responsibility to study always. There is always a chance that there is something to learn and those around you want to learn from you. They only learn when you talk.

Talk responsibility. You must be responsible to people around as well as beyond you. This attribute often reveals itself when you talk. Superstars are trusted with positions of authority because often they don’t speak for themselves but for the whole. Politicians talk out their plan first before the opportunity at the office arrives. It is how they talk that makes persons think they are responsible enough for the position they are hoping to jump into.

Superstars talk creativity. You have to find a way to get something done in an unusual way, a way that it has never being done before. You have to talk out solutions. What this means is you have to be a great thinker. The ability to create arrives from one’s ability to think through a thought for a solution to arrive.

Talk reality. Don’t just walk on the moon when you are still on earth. You have to talk your plans to possible reality and work towards it in reality. Many persons dream work and dream walk. They keep dreaming it when they should be working it out. You don’t just have to have your plans up there in your mental thought center. You have to get it to reality.

Talk sense, make sense. Don’t just talk, give an actual picture, ask actual questions, give actual answers. Superstars don’t talk fiction or give false stories when faced with the reality of situation, he tells you as it is.

You have to learn to speak like the superstar. Learn to talk in a way that attracts the right persons to you. You have to hang around stars, you have to talk amongst stars, stars have to look up to you. That’s what makes you a superstar.

Observe how superstars respond during periods when they are tense. They are reserve and answer you the superstar way. This attribute wasn’t developed in a day. It came over years of practice. When confronted with situations that make you lose your cool, you have to be calm yet with authority, determined yet mild.

Superstars know what to say for every situation. Find the right answers and measure your words. Don’t get perturbed by any challenge. Know what you say and only say it when you have to say it.

Talk like a superstar, talk the best of your situation, talk the future of your present business, talk the next level of your life. You will have what you say before long and people will remember that you once said it.

The power of life and death is in your tongue.