Authentic Living by Tomislav Tomic - HTML preview

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What do you think is the hardest job in the world?

Is it being a surgeon... lawyer... priest... professor ... musician... writer... policeman...?

Personally, I think that the hardest job in the world is forming the habit of thinking about the particular kind of reality that we wish to experience.

By that I do not mean just the moments when we are feeling all right and we think  everything is  great.  Rather,  I am  referring to  thinking about  it during the entire day regardless of what is happening around us.

But,  why  is  it  so  hard  to  think  constantly  about  what  we  want  to experience? If there is something that we love and desire for, would it not make sense if it were the one and only focus of our thoughts?

Thinking about what we love and want in our lives can often be very hard precisely because we have not been taught to think that way. Indeed, not many people have had a chance to be taught from their early childhood that  the  way  we  think  and  look  at  the  world  is  the  crucial  factor  in creating the things which we experience in our lives.

From  our  earliest  days  we  learn  to  listen  hearing  people  complaining about  life's  circumstances  and  blaming  “others”  for  the  problems  they have.  Without  questioning,  we  are  beginning  to  accept  the  patterns  of thinking handed down to us by our parents, teachers, politicians, priests, and others, and accepted them as our own. Such adopted ways of thinking have  brought  us  into  the  reality  that  we  are  experiencing,  and  our experience of such reality has only strengthened our beliefs which created the reality in the first place. We have all heard  people say, “Have  I not told you so... listen to me, I know better.”

We  have  been  taught  to  see  things  that  have  happened  in  our  life  as “givens” which cannot be changed, and that the best way to deal with it is to figure out how to blend into this given reality.

Be as it may, be aware that what we call “our reality” is not something that   is   happening   independent   of   us,   but   our   reality   is   a   direct consequence of the thoughts we have been engaging in the most.

If you wish to alter the reality you live in right now, you must change your way of thinking, and as a consequence of the change in your thought pattern you will experience a new reality which will be in harmony with your new way of thinking.

However, thinking about what we want is not hard for the reason that it is objectively  hard;  instead,  it  is  hard  because  we  have  developed  a  long- term habit of thinking and talking about the things we do not wish to have in our lives.

How do we change this habit?

We  can  change  this  habit  by  practicing  every  day  how  to  focus  our attention to that which we wish to create in our lives, no matter what the issue is. In the same way that we form our muscles by lifting weights, we can  also  create  a  new  reality  by focusing  our  attention  on  new  thought patterns.  The  more  you  exercise,  the  easier  and  more  fun  it  gets.  The principle is the same: we are just dealing with a different kind of creating.

Of course, it is clear that this is no easy task, but does that matter when your life is in question?

The  more  you  speak  and  think  about  what  you  wish  to  create  and subsequently experience, the easier it will be for you to think even more about  what  you  wish,  and  to  take practical  steps  toward  achieving  your goals.

So do your mental “workouts” daily in the sense that you need to create a gradual and conscious habit of thinking and speaking only of those things