Authentic Living by Tomislav Tomic - HTML preview

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Success is something we seek naturally. No one likes  or  wishes  to  be  unsuccessful.  However, true success  is  an  entirely personal  matter,  and depends   exclusively   upon   us.   True   success always brings joy, inner peace and growth with it. The more joy and peace we have in our lives, the greater the success.

Success  isn't  primarily  based  on  the  things  you  own  or  on  the  social acceptance  you  have.  What's  the  use  of  having  something  if  it  isn't something that truly fulfills you and brings you joy?

Unfortunately,  it  seems  few  people  think  this  way.  Look  around  you. Look  at  the  number of  people  who  seem  to  have  everything one  would want, and yet...something is desperately missing.


Many  have  been  creating  wealth  their  whole  lives,  simply  in  order  to prove their worth to someone else, without paying attention to their heart desires and higher visions.

Success   isn't   something   that   can   be   determined   by   other   people's standards; only you can do this.

You  are  the  only  person  who  knows  your  circumstances,  your  heart desires, and the possibilities open to you at any point in time. Only you know if you're truly successful or not.

You can make the whole world believe that you're something you're not, but when you stand in front of the mirror, the person reflected in it always knows  the  truth.  Only  you  are  in  touch  with  your  own  feelings,  which clearly show  you  where  you  stand  on  the  path of  personal  and  spiritual growth.

While one person may feel that success means becoming the president of a  country,  someone  else  might  feel  successful  if  they're  able  to  create three extra hours during the day to do as they please, and even do nothing if   they   wish.   While   one   person   feels   that   success   is   becoming   a millionaire, another sees a stable and fulfilling family life as the peak of success.

We are all as different as we are similar. And that's wonderfully okay.


The only measure of true success in your life is the amount of joy you feel every day.