The core message of this book is that, in order to be happier right now you need to choose to be happy. You need to develop the ability and the willingness to choose happiness, even though being happy may not be the reasonable or rational thing to do. If you can choose happiness, you can be immediately happier. Does this mean you will remain happy? Realistically, no. You have to keep choosing happiness.
To be happy regardless of your situation in life is a radical act. It goes against everything your mind-body knows about being happy. It is as I have said before, irrational – at least from the mind-body’s point of view.
Real happiness does not follow the mind-body’s rules for happiness, so you can expect a fight when you decide to choose happiness. There will be many relapses as the mind-body’s programming and experience reassert themselves.
It may take a while for the mind-body to adjust to a new way of being happy. You may have to keep choosing happiness, day-by-day and minute-by-minute. However, eventually it will be easier. For example, in meditation you may initially get only flashes of the happiness that is available to you. Over time, however, you may be able to sustain a feeling of deep happiness for an hour or more.
So stay with it. Keep choosing happiness.
The Buddhists talk about crossing over to the other shore (enlightenment). Once you do that you never have to worry about going back. Initially, however, you may catch only glimpses of the other shore, dimly through the mist. Then you may take your raft and move towards it, only to be pushed back by the current. Each time, however, you see it better and the sight of it strengthens you. Finally, you land, stand up and breath the free air of enlightenment and true happiness, and send the raft back for the next person to follow you.
May you keep choosing happiness, and find what you are looking for.