Be Happier in One Hour: Enjoy Better Relationships, Better Health, More Success and a Longer Life by D.E. Hardesty - HTML preview

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Endnotes for Be Happier in One Hour

[1] See Kahneman, Daniel (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

[2] See Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Finkenauer and Vohs, Bad Is Stronger than Good, Review of General Psychology, 2001. Vol. 5, No. 4, 323-370.

[3] Brickman, Coates & Janoff-Bulman, R. (1978). Lottery winners and accident victims: Is happiness relative? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 917-927.

[4] Lyubomirsky, Sonja, The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want. Penguin Group US.

[5] Narang Ph.D., David. Leaving Loneliness: A Workbook: Building Relationships with Yourself and Others.

[6] Compassion, the Basis for Human Happiness, a Public talk given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK 19th July 1996.

[7] Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (2008). Flow (P.S.). HarperCollins.

Endnotes for Finding Your Power to Be Happy

[1] His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Four Noble Truths (Kindle Locations 295-296). HarperCollins Publishers. Kindle Edition.

[2] Achor, Shawn, The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work (pp. 21, 41, 42, 52). Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

[3] Kahneman, Daniel (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Kindle Edition.

[4] Merton, The Way of Chuang Tzu.

[5] Merton, The Way of Chuang Tzu.

[6] Easwaran Ed., Eknath, The Dhammapada (Classics of Indian Spirituality) (Kindle Locations 2232-2233). Nilgiri Press. Kindle Edition.

[7] Hanh, Thich Nhat, The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching (Parallax Press, 1998), p. 104.

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