Before Forty by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Gainful Meditation Is The Way To Go!

What is it about meditation that should get you practicing meditation before you turn forty? I’d tell you. Every one consists of a spirit, soul and body. We are not just about the physical body we see but our spirits are also a congruent  part   of   who  we   are.   Just as we communicate physically with people around us, our spirits should also communicate.

Imagine how frustrating life will be if you can’t talk to people about how you feel or you can’t ask what you want from others even when you can see what you need. It can be really frustrating. The same feeling happens when our spirits can’t communicate with other spirits, our spirits get frustrated.

What happens in the physical realm is actually the result of what happens in the physical. The quality of our physical life is a result of the quality of our spirit life. Sadly most persons don’t appreciate this fact. Whether you believe this or yes, there are spiritual forces around you that influence your daily life. In reality, nothing happens by accident. Everything we see in real life was a preworked action and our physical life is a replay of what has been done in the spirit.

So what’s meditation about? It is the means to let our spirit communicate with God’s spirit as well as other higher spiritual beings so that our spirit gets information about what’s going to happen, how to avoid any negative mishaps and how to make the most of our lives.

God is a spirit and those who worship him must connect with him via the spirit. Our ability to connect with God is dependent on our willingness to promote our spirits ahead of our physical bodies, to enliven and empower the spirit to be able to communicate freely with God.

Just as we go to school to learn how to read and write and how to acquire advance knowledge in life, we also have a responsibility to feed our spirits to be able to acquire spiritual information or to be sensitive to spiritual revelation or communication.

You’ve probably had issues in your life that had you moving to a prophet who probably tells you everything about yourself but who has never met you. You were perhaps wandering how he knew. He knew because his spirit had communicated with your spirit without your knowledge.

Many persons have made it a duty to source spiritual direction from pastors and prophets. It’s great to get spiritual direction and counsel from others, but most importantly, you need to see for yourself. The failure to see for one’s self has been the undoing of several persons.

At forty, you don’t want to be on the move because you got hit by life’s challenges. You want to be able to know what’s happening before it happens, why it actually happened, if it has happened already and how to overcome it. Meditation is thus a spiritual exercise that helps your spirit develop. How your spirit develops is however dependent on what you are doing.

When you are meditating, you are deciding to set yourself apart from others to allow your spirit lead you. You will enjoy your mediation in a place where you are alone, quiet and peaceful.

There are people who enjoy the peaceful ambience of a riverside or a mountain side. It’s great to find a place out of your busy city life or time to let your spirit lead you into the deep consciousness of divinity.

Some persons have thinking rooms or quiet rooms in their apartment where they visit whenever they want to carry out any gainful meditation process.

I’ve discovered through studies that several of the most successful people on earth have developed schedules when they get to sit alone and get out thoughts from beyond the physical. They allow their spirits communicate with higher spirits and they are able to draw out information that is useful to life.

What we mediate on and about will determine what knowledge we have. How deep we meditate on a body of knowledge will determine how well we’ll know about that knowledge. Here’s why you listen to some persons and they are so deep and you listen to some other person speak on the same issue and he is so shallow.

Paul says, Christians should meditate daily on God’s word. It’s possibly the only way to enrich our spirit with God’s word. The more of positive information we feed on, the more our spirit aligns towards positivity.

One can also meditate on negative information. Such a person will grow deeper into negativity. It is important that you are able to draw the lines on what quality information we are mediating on.

Meditation functions with our thoughts. We become what we think often about. Our ability to shape our thoughts will depend on what we are feeding our minds with consistently. When we consistently think on anything, we are actually feeding our minds with that thing. Subsequently, our spirit absorbs the thought vibrations creating a spiritual atmosphere which subsequently affects our physical environment.

By the time you are forty, you should have been spiritually mature to be able to stand your own ground against the adversities of life that show up like they always do.

We’ve gotten used to meditation been often connected to Yoga and other pseudo spiritual religions like Eckankar, Buddhism and Islam. Christians find it easy to classify meditation as an occult art. But it is not!

Meditation is a natural law that we must learn to make the most of our lives. It is not the meditation art that is bad, it is what we meditate on that can be classified as either good or bad.

Meditation helps us to connect to the natural flow. Do you know there is a natural flow? When we are in tune with nature, we can easily make profit from it. It’s like moving on water. It is easier to ride a boat in the direction of the tide than against it. When the tide is in your direction, all you’d just do is let it move you. You’d have to position yourself to go with the tide.

When we go with nature’s tide, we struggle less through life. We get nature’s push that subsequently gets us to where life had designed us for.

Some persons in life struggle to get by the circumstances of life because they fail to connect with what they should naturally be doing for life. Everyone has something that life has designed them for. You are not a misfit; you came into life to complete the puzzle. Everyone who dies leaves a hole which everyone who is born fits. The earth is constantly in a cycle, people come, people go, and the earth remains.

The problem actually is when we try to fix ourselves somewhere other than the place we are meant to fit in. Our lives become a disaster and chance is we may not live long enough through life.

You want to be able to access that supernal information to keep you in tune to be a major player through life. God the spiritual Essence has all the knowledge you need. At forty, you should be able to draw from God’s knowledge bank for your advantage and also for those around you. This can only be achieved by gainful meditation.

We talk about having quiet times. I’m sure you’ve heard your pastor talk about the need for quiet time every day. But do you observe quiet times? Most persons don’t. They jump out of bed, bath, dress and off they go to work. They return home late in the night to repeat the same cycle the next day. This continues for the rest of their lives.

When you observe your quiet time, you are enriching your spirit to make the most of life.

It’s not every time you have to be here and there. Sometimes you just have to sit down by yourself to reason out your past, your present and your future actions. You need time to reason out what direction you’ve headed and if you are headed in the direction you intended.

One of the keys to getting divine revelation is to spend time in thoughts that will edify you. Whatever you spend time meditating on will inadvertently influence your life subsequently. This is fact!

Cultists meditate on occult books, Moslems meditate on the Koran, and Christians meditate on the Bible. What the different religious followers meditate on is what defines their perception about life. Your perception about life will be influenced and affected by what body of knowledge you are feeding yourself with.

The things you listen to, the things you read, the things you watch, the things you celebrate, the things you frown at; they all add up to what forms the body of thoughts that you meditate on. Be mindful what you invest into your mind because when it’s time to meditate, those events or pieces of knowledge will form the aura of thoughts that will play around your mind.

Meditation is valuable. It’s good for your mental health and guarantees you a refreshing feel. How deep your life will be is determined by how deep the things you are meditating on. The quality of your products will be dependent on the quality of time you spend looking and working on it.

This principle works in business, in your family life, job and whatever it is you are doing. The more time you spend thinking on and about them, the more likely, the better quality is going to result.

I meditate often and that’s where I got the thoughts of this book from. Sincerely most of the things I have written in every of my books have come from deep personal meditation and not from the books or thoughts of others. I’ve been privileged to read several books from several authors. But even when I do, I’ve learnt to subject those thoughts to the light of my own thoughts.

When you are not grounded in the things you believe, your thoughts will waver. Subsequently you will want to change the things you meditate on. You want to be deliberate to effect and affect life by meditating as often as you can to acquire correct resource for life.

Truly meditation works.