Being Positive in a Negative World: Doughnuts of Inspiration by Sy Tshabalala - HTML preview

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I am positive

I am not positive because everything is fine in my life. I am not positive because I never went through anything painful. I am not positive because there are no challenges in my life. I am positive because it is the only way to win in life. I am positive because I believe in God. I am positive because pain is temporary and the challenges of life have an expiry date. I am positive because struggles are seasonal.

I am positive because there is light at the end of a dark and discouraging tunnel. I am positive because the sun is about to shine in my life. I am positive because I have dreams. I am positive because that is the only way to maintain sanity. I am positive because I am daily walking towards my destiny. I am positive because life is progressive and not stagnant.

I am positive because I am alive and not dead. I am positive because that is the only way to overcome life's negative experiences. I amĀ  positive because that is the only key to attain success. I am positive because I am a winner and not a loser. I am positive because I am a believer and not a doubter. I am positive because faith overcomes fear and overrides facts. I am positive because God has already made reservations for my success. I am positive because God has included me in His script. I am positive because my role in the story has not ended. I am positive because I believe in the power of positivity.