Being Positive in a Negative World: Doughnuts of Inspiration by Sy Tshabalala - HTML preview

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The two most powerful words in the world are, yes and no. Both words have contributed either to the demise or success of many. What is important is to know that both words are beneficial to those who use them appropriately. Successful people know when to say yes and when to say no. But sadly for the struggling masses, both words have been used wrongly, thus many have ended up in dire straits.

Some have missed the opportunities life has presented them. Some have found themselves in divorce, prison, debts, pain and regret due to the wrong usage of these words. Many have accommodated wrong people, done wrong things and gone to wrong places. Their ignorance of not knowing when to say Yes and when to say No ended up costing them a fortune. Take note that the Yes and No you are making today will determine the kind of future you will find yourself in. Yes and No are useful when you use them in the right season

Therefore think about your destiny before you say Yes and think about your destiny before you say No, pray before you say Yes and pray before you say No, seek advice before you say Yes and seek advice before you say No, do a research before you say Yes and do research before you say No, check the risk before saying Yes and check the risk before saying No, weigh your options before saying Yes and weigh your options before saying No.