Being Positive in a Negative World: Doughnuts of Inspiration by Sy Tshabalala - HTML preview

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Take off the mask

The world is full of mask men and women. Multitudes who have decided to hide behind a mask because of the issues they are battling with. If you are wearing a mask, it’s about time you take it off.

Stop pretending everything is fine when you know it is not. Stop flashing a fake smile when you know you are haemorrhaging on the inside. Stop hiding behind alcohol and drugs when you know you are hurting. Stop hiding behind drugs when you know you are hurting. Stop hiding behind promiscuity when you know you are longing for love, respect and appreciation.

Stop hiding behind countless loveless relationship when you know deep down you are battling with emptiness and low self-esteem. Stop hiding behind religion (not relationship with God) when you know secretly you are drowning in a pool of misery, tears and uncertainty. Stop hiding behind flashy cars and expensive clothes when  you know truthfully you are choking behind the invisible smoke of depression, frustration and deception. Stop hiding behind alcohol and parties when you know on the inside you are like a patient hooked to a life supporting machine in a hospital.

Take off the mask that is hiding your scars of shame, take off the mask that is hiding your yesterday’s pain, take off the mask that is hiding your sadness, take off the mask that is covering your rotting wounds of regret, abuse and betrayal, take off the mask that is hiding your low self-esteem, take off the mask that is hiding your emptiness, take off the mask that is hiding your depression, take off the mask that is hiding the real you.

Stop wearing a mask of being hateful when you know you are loving. Stop wearing a mask of an abuser when you know deep down you are battling with the pain of being previously abused. Stop wearing a mask of being a monster when you know you are a fearful person who needs help. Stop wearing a mask of trying to please everybody  when you know you are displeased with yourself. Stop wearing a mask of pretending as if you are having it together when honestly you know you are losing it.

Everything about life starts from the inside out. What you don’t address on the inside will appear unresolved on the outside. The rotting smell of unresolved issues will continue cropping up behind the mask of pretence.

Remember the wounds that are not treated will not heal. What you don’t address you won’t solve. What you don’t confront you will not conquer. What you don’t bury will continue stinking in front of you. What you don’t identify you will not manage. Take off the mask.

In everything you are going through seek help. In everything you are battling with, go for counselling. In everything you are dealing with, talk to somebody. In everything you are facing pray about it. In everything you are struggling with, find a support group of people who are or have been in the same situation. Don’t create a permanent condition out of a temporary situation by wearing a mask. Take off the mask.