Being Positive in a Negative World: Weekly Tablets of Inspiration by Sy Tshabalala - HTML preview

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Week 1

Life may have presented you with bitter ingredients that you can't bear. Ingredients of hardships, lack, loneliness, discouragement, delays and confusion. Ingredients that you need to give to God because He is the only well qualified Master Chef of life. Only God can turn your bitter ingredients of life into an eye catching, mouthwatering and nose tickling delicious cake.


Week 2

God is bigger than your burdens, stronger than your struggles and powerful than your problems. Don't doubt His ability even though you may not always understand His timing.


Week 3

Where there is a will there is hope, where there is hope there is faith and where there is faith there is a way. A way to your dreams, a way to your healing a way to your recovery, a way to your breakthrough and a way to your promotion and success.


Week 4

New challenges are a sign that you have indeed stepped into a new terrain. Remember for every new level there is a new devil. So, don't allow your current challenges to blind you from the fact that you have progressed. Challenges are just the first road sign announcing to you that you are in another place. A place of growth, maturity, success and eventually big breakthroughs. Don't stop at  the ugly and intimidating road sign (challenges) but keep driving to the hotel of your dreams and desires. I am currently driving to the hotel parking lot of my breakthroughs.


Week 5

Stop throwing yourself at people who don't see your value. Stop running after people who don't appreciate you. Stop depreciating your price tag by fighting for acceptance. There are other people out there who value your presence, celebrate your brilliance and know about your expensive price tag.


Week 6

This is the time to build strong networks if you really want to make an impact and to enlarge your area of influence. The wealthiest people on earth are not wealthy because of their individual brilliance but because they have a strong network. Days of doing things as a selfish lone ranger are long gone.


Week 7

When things didn't go your way when you were young you used to cry and now that you are an adult, stop complaining but rather pray and think


Week 8

Life is like a guitar you just have to learn to play it. Life is like a song you just have to learn to sing it. Life is like a journey you just have to learn to travel it. Life is like opening a safe, you just have to learn the combinations. Life is like a jigsaw puzzle you just have to learn to figure it out. Life is like cooking you just have to learn to mix the ingredients.


Week 9

Challenges are like weights in the gym meant to help you to exercise your mental muscles. Don't complain, keep doing the exercise. A fit and healthy mind will produce a positive and prosperous life.


Week 10

Life is a journey and you are the driver and it is up to you decide whether to park and entertain your shameful and painful past or to drive to your exciting and fulfilling tomorrow. It is up to you to remain in the parking lot of the shopping mall of disappointments and discouragement or to drive to the hotel of your dreams and desires.


Week 11

It's time to pronounce a fast on worrying, hanging around negative company, listening to unproductive conversations and reading negative stuff.


Week 12

Stop allowing people to use you as a trash can of negativity where they can come and dumb their poisonous and negative energy of gossip, lies, stress, frustration, hatred and jealousy. But rather choose to be a spring of life where people can come and drink love, wisdom, hope and inspiration from you


Week 13

The fact that you are alive means that there is still another chapter, another episode, another page and another amazing and exciting part that God has added to your story-line.


Week 14

Learn to see beyond where you are because that is exactly where God wants to take you. Remember you are bigger than where you are and your best is nothing in compared to what God has in store for you. So, let go and let God.


Week 15

Your prayers are not in vain even though you may sometimes not see the desired results. Something is busy taking shape behind the scenes. And as long as you don't quit you will finally see the by-products of your answered prayers.


Week 16

God is not dead but alive, He is not late but right on time, He is not passive but is busy working behind the scenes, He has not forgotten but is daily thinking about you and He has not ignored your prayers but He is working out your breakthrough.


Week 17

When things look impossible to you, look unto God because everything is possible with Him. When you have ran out of options, look unto God for He has multiple strategies and options. When you have nowhere to go and no one to contact for assistance, look unto God for He has multiple contacts and different places where you can be given assistance. When things don't seem to add up, look unto God for His calculations always add up.


Week 18

Stop living your life like a music CD with a scratch by repeating the same blunders, pain and mess over and over again.


Week 19

The same God who created the earth, the galaxies and all the living beings is the same God you can trust to redirect your steps, reveal your purpose, revive your dreams, rebuild your relationships and restore your health and finances.


Week 20

You cannot afford to be powerless when you believe in a powerful God. You cannot afford to be hopeless when you believe in a capable God. You cannot afford to be depressed when you believe in an inspirational God. You cannot afford to be a loser when you believe in a victorious God. You cannot afford to be pessimistic when God is on your side and He still believes in you.


Week 21

The game is not over just because you have reached a certain age without having accomplished your dreams. The game is not over just because you are divorced or single and your friends are happily married. The game is not over just because your age mates are more successful than you. The game is not over just because you are eating crumbs while others are enjoying a sumptuous buffet. The game is not over because you are alive and the coach (God) still believes in you.


Week 22

It is normal to be sometimes sad, hopeless, depressed, discouraged and doubtful but it is abnormal to remain in the same state while you are still alive. It is abnormal to allow temporary experiences to be permanent conditions.


Week 23

Learn to thank God for the little things He has blessed you with this year. Because if you are grateful for the starters surely He will lead you this coming year to the buffet table where the main course and desserts are served.


Week 24

Count your blessings and not your burdens, count your friends and not your enemies, count your successes and not your failures, count your testimonies and not your trials, count your great memories and not your painful ones, count your breakthroughs and not your breakups, count your smiles and not your tears and count your dreams and not your nightmares.


Week 25

It is time to grow up. You can't continue behaving like an infant by always waiting for someone to feed you, employ you, guard you, supervise you, appreciate you, protect you, encourage you, love you, pamper you, support you, defend you, carry you, pray for you, think for you, tolerate your drama and clean up your mess.


Week 26

It is time to delete some people in your life, people who never made time for you, people who never bothered to returned your many calls, people who ignored your numerous voice mails, people who did not bother to respond to your multiple inbox messages, people who never returned your countless visits, people who never reciprocated your overflowing goodness, people who did not  see your value, people who took you for granted and people who abused, exploited and belittled you. It is time to make space for new and exciting people who have been queuing patiently to be part of your amazing life.


Week 27

There are people who are watching you without you noticing. There are people who are admiring you without you being aware. There are people who are being inspired by you without you knowing. There are people whose lives you have impacted without you being aware. There are people who look up to you without you knowing. So, keep living productively because  somebody somewhere is watching and even following in your footsteps


Week 28

A book is to your brain what a burger is to your stomach. A book will enlarge your brain while a burger will fill-up your belly. A book will transport you to your destiny while a burger will take you to the bath-room. a book will equip you for your long term dreams while a burger will only satisfy your temporary hunger.


Week 29

Your dream will never make sense to anybody but you.

Your dream will not look possible to anybody but you.

Your dream will never look appealing to anybody but you.

So, stop trying to convince others about what you are doing and where you are aspiring to be.


Week 30

You cannot appear on the television by watching it. You can only appear on it by working on your vision. After all television stands for tell (your) vision. The world is waiting to hear your vision.


Week 31

You will have to quit your yesterday if you really want to see tomorrow. You will have to quit blaming others if you really want to be responsible for your well-being. You will have to quit your bad relationships if you really want to experience healthy ones. You will have to quit thinking negative if you really want to achieve something positive.


Week 32

The future is waiting for you that is why you need to leave the past behind. The future is smiling at you that is why you need to stop crying for the past. The future is about to appear ahead of you that is why you need to stop looking behind. The future is alive with possibilities that is why you need to leave your dead and buried past behind.


Week 33

Faith is like fuel it will give you the power to push towards your dreams. Faith is like binoculars it will enable you to visualise your destiny. Faith is like a staircase it will enable you to climb over the mountain of impossibilities. Faith is like an electric cable it will enable you to connect to god’s unlimited power source.


Week 34

You have to change on the inside if you really want to see change on the outside. You have to visualise success on the inside if you really want to experience it on the outside. You have to conceive your dream on the inside if you really want to achieve it on the outside.


Week 35

It is time to be number one and not number two, the bride and not the bride’s maid, a participant and not a spectator, an actor and not the audience, a driver and not a passenger, a winner and not a loser and a pathfinder to your dreams and not the prisoner of your past.


Week 36

In order to move forward in the journey called life, you have to bury the old you, the vengeful you, the angry you, the negative you, the shameful you, the destructive you, the troubled you, the weak you, the hurting you, the depressed you, the irresponsible you and the hopeless you.


Week 37

Your greatest challenge in life is to do more, read more, seek more, search more, study more, think more, learn more, grow more, love more, pray more, try more, knock more, ask more, believe more, perspire more, listen more, push more and achieve more than you have ever accomplished in your lifetime.


Week 38

The world is not like a hotel where you relax but a maternity ward where you are supposed to give birth. So, push until the baby of your dreams is born. Push until your desires are turned into reality. Push until your prayers are answered. Push until you get a job. Push until your business proposal is 47 successful. Push until your purpose is revealed.


Week 39

Not all women are untrustworthy, not all men are cheaters, not all friends are dishonest and not all people are manipulative. Stop painting all people with the same brush because there are wonderful, trustworthy and loyal people out there you can travel with in the journey of life.


Week 40

In whatever you are doing always strive to be the best because the world only acknowledges the outstanding, admires the incredible, applauds the brilliant, respects the remarkable, promotes the excellent, rewards the impressive and shuns the average.


Week 41

There is no problem that cannot be resolved. There is no situation that cannot be addressed. There is no condition that cannot be managed. There is no crisis that cannot be handled. There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome and there is no challenge that cannot be dealt with. All you need to do is stretch yourself.


Week 42

You can only be a victim once. But if you continue allowing people and negative experiences to dominate your life you are no longer a victim but a volunteer. Victims learn from their pain and move on but volunteers choose to remain and to reside in their mess and pain.


Week 43

Life is made up of seasons. There is a summer season of success and a winter season of challenges. Therefore expect the best and prepare yourself for the worst. Enjoy the summer and endure and learn from your winter.


Week 44

Don’t just be contend with the starters of life but search until you locate the main meal with desserts. There is more to life than what you have seen. There is more to life than what you have encountered and experienced.


Week 45

You are one person away from your destiny, one person away from success, one person away from marriage, one person away from striking the deal, one person away from finding employment and one person away from your breakthrough. People are the link to your tomorrow.


Week 46

Your current challenges cannot be addressed with an old mind-set. You need to employ a new approach, new strategy and new attitude in order to resolve today’s challenges.


Week 47

If you do what you were meant to do, the world will get to know you without you introducing yourself. Your talent and creativity will announce to the world that you are here


Week 48

A person who reads a book will reap the fruits of being informed while the one who refuses will pay the price of remaining trapped in the forest of misery and ignorance. A person who reads will lead those who don’t. After all leaders are readers.


Week 49

You were not born to blend with the crowd but to stand out as an individual. You were not born to hang around chickens but to soar high with eagles. You were not born to fit in with chameleons but to stand out with giraffes.


Week 50

The world has over seven billion people but there is no one like you. You are one of a kind, an endangered species, an irreplaceable masterpiece and a brilliant creation. Don’t just exist but start living.


Week 51

Don’t look at yourself through the broken mirror of your yesterday’s disappointments. Don’t look at yourself through the cracked mirror of your current struggles. Don’t look at yourself through the stained mirror of your fierce critics but look at yourself through the mirror of your faith and dreams.


Week 52

Life is like an examination centre where your faith is going to be tested, your dreams challenged, your relationships shaken and your energy drained. When life gives you a test, don’t quit but stay in the exam room until you complete answering all the questions. Because you have what it takes to pass the exam.