Break And Study Secrets For Successful Living by Sikkandhar Basha - HTML preview

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8) Meditate to program your mind



Meditation can only give you inner soul satisfaction, than outer world. Meditation keeps you in single thought. If you have a single minded thought than you will be succeed because there is no alternate. Meditation gives you concentration, absorption, self control for your life.

If you practice meditation in regular basis everything comes to you, like inner soul satisfaction and happiness.

The scientific power of meditation :

  • Decrease anxiety
  • Decrease depression
  • Increase Memory
  • Increase self awareness
  • Increase empathy
  • Increase Goal setting

Meditation of 8 weeks study shows following results

Learning, memory and emotion increased.

Stress and blood pressure decreased.

Proper transportation of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO)2

A meditating person can produce more antibody than a normal person. Antibody used by the immune system to neutralize pathogen like bacteria and viruses. Meditation can reduce the cardio vascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and etc..

My aim is you have to live the life with stress and disease free. No one can give you health, even you have wealth.

“ Health is wealth”

Health is your main asset that will give you wealth, so practice meditation to make life happier.