Break And Study Secrets For Successful Living by Sikkandhar Basha - HTML preview

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10) Shape yourself to become successful man



What the books you have read in past 5 years and what type of people you hang on that decides your success. It is really true, even a person become more knowledgeable than an university degree holder. It is practical one, everyone can learn by practical.

For example

1) An office boy can become general manager of the company without course.

2) A mechanic do the expert works without getting any professional course.

3) A musician can rock the world without getting any professional course.

How is it possible ?.. yes it can be possible by making (+) positive thought.

Here I am giving some of the most important positive thinking tips for you, this will change your life.

  • Your desire is like an order or command to your mind, what you want.
  • Write your goal and fix it on a wall where you often see.
  • Paint your desire goal that will make positive attitude.
  • Don’t see bad things of others, see good things.
  • Cancer disease can be cured by your immune system just changing positive attitude.
  • Don’t think which are not you like.
  • Write your own story by your hand, it will create more positive attitude.
  • Just feel I am getting young daily not old.
  • Follow your heart for happiness because it always right.
  • Feel good forever.

The most powerful quote for you:

“ We become, what we think of most of the time ” - Earl nightingale.

Your past days are responsible for your present day situation, grab today to create bright future.