Break Through Fear and Self Doubt by James Nsien II - HTML preview

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Chapter 24

Defeat your fear of self-doubt

Life is not an easy journey. It throws lemons on you as and when possible in the form of challenges. At times, the challenges we face, gives birth to fear in your mind and prevents you achieving your goals or treading the path of success.

It is quite easy to set your goals; however, the most difficult part is to conquer your self-doubts that stand as obstacle in the way of your success, making you terrified and nervous! People believe that resisting our doubts and inner fears is the only way to avoid them. However, this is not the way to kill your fears. To prevent negative thoughts from nesting on your head, shoo them away with positivity and confidence.

You can certainly transform your fear into the fire to burn your apprehensions and doubts so as to reach your full potential and lead a free life.

Overcoming your fear of self-doubt


Always keep in mind that your urge to do something new is the root cause of your fears and insecurities. To handle such anxieties that prevent you from moving ahead in life, you should try breaking your anxieties, nervousness and worries into smaller fragments. Scale down your anxieties to a size that is controllable and soon you will succeed in escaping from your comfort one to march ahead towards your ambitions.

One of the most important ways is to ignore what everyone else thinks about you. Many people deprive themselves from living a happy and content life fearing what other people think about them. This shatters their confidence and stops them from accomplishing great things in life. Whenever doubt and insecurities hit you, always remind yourself of the success you have achieved throughout your life and cheer yourself up. This will boost your morale, instantly!

A man is known by the company he keeps. Therefore, you should be in the company of people who produce positive vibes so that you can develop an optimistic outlook towards life.

Whenever you feel anxious, take a break and relax. Try to do something totally different to amuse your mind.

Taking time away from what you were doing and concentrating on something entirely different goes a long way in helping you take an entirely new standpoint for achieving your goal.

If you are afraid of failing in life, you can never succeed. Therefore, you should challenge your capabilities every day. The more you challenge yourself, the more you become capable of harnessing your creativity. At the same time, this helps you reverse the depressing effects of self-doubt.

It is a common human nature to falter or to feel pain, but finally nothing can stop you from achieving your goal.