Chapter 1
Fear vs. Phobia?
All of us have fears or phobias – some more concrete and others founded in our imaginations. It’s completely normal to have them and, at times, they help us to become better versions of ourselves and to push our own limits and selves to achieve higher and better outcomes. That said, this is not always the case; fears and phobias can hold us back from life experiences and from our success – these self-imposed limitations hinder our development and achievements. It is the latter of these two cases that we will focus on, exploring how to break through these fears and phobias to better take control of your own life.
Fear or Phobia
Are fears and phobias the same or two separate entities? Most dictionaries agree in defining a fear as a distressing emotion aroused by a specific threat or impending event – an effect of something that causes fear and apprehension. In contrast, most dictionaries’ definitions for the word “phobia” relate to a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation. The difference is subtle, but it is there.
For example, you might “fear” spiders – however, that fear is likely something that carries with you day in and day out; this makes it a phobia. It is an ongoing fear – not entirely founded – that persists. That said, you may fear crawling into an abandoned building because you are likely to encounter spiders – this is a fear. Fear refers to a specific situation or event, whereas a phobia refers to a dislike or apprehension of a specific event or item on an ongoing basis that is not specifically situational.
The Top 15 Fears and Phobias
Because phobias are more ongoing in nature, whereas fears are situation-based, it is typically more common for people to share phobias than fears. The following are the top 15 fears and phobias as compiled from a variety of research and medical sources.
Acrophobia – Fear of heights
Claustrophobia – Fear of being in an enclosed space. Elevators, MRI machines, closets, and closed in hallways are all common culprits.
Brontophobia – Fear of thunder and lightening. This fear is most commonly found in children, though for some does extend into adulthood
Mysophobia – Fear of germs
Social Phobia – This excessive fear of social situations is intimitaly related to anxiety.
Necrophobia – Fear of anything related to death, including funeral homes, coffins, cadavers, hearses, etc.
Aerophobia – Fear of flight – this refers to more that simple plane rides, also extending to sports like hang gliding, parasailing, hot air ballooning, and others.
Carcinophobia – Fear of acquiring cancer. This particular phobia has grown exponentially as we as a society have learned more about and become more aware of various cancers.
Ophidiophobia – The fear of snakes
Agoraphobia – The fear of situations in which escape is difficult – this fear is sometimes explained as having a fear of open spaces. For example, people with agoraphobia might avoid large public gatherings, such as concerts or festivals. Approximately 33 percent of people with a panic disorder in time develop agoraphobia.
Trypanophobia – The fear of injections.Like many phobias, this fear often goes untreated because people avoid the triggering object and situation.
Nyctophobia – Fear of the Dark – This fear is common and generally found in children. It typically has onset around the time that the child begins developing a more active imagination and in most cases lasts just six months; if it lasts more than six months and causes extreme anxiety, the fear becomes diagnosed as a phobia.
Nosophobia –Fear of Having a Disease. This is related to hypochondriasis which is the persistent fear of having an unspecified disease. Sufferers of both spend ample time at the doctor’s office.
Fear of public speaking Fear of failure
Every fear and every phobia is a bit different for each individual. Though all are treatable, the precise methods to treat each vary. Learn more about the various phobias and fears and how to conquer them to move forward with your life and success.
This book will help you to understand the different types of fears and phobias and how you can conquer each one of them to achieve your breakthrough.