Break Through Fear and Self Doubt by James Nsien II - HTML preview

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Chapter 34

Gerascophobia How To Eliminate The Fear of Aging

Human beings normally are afraid of getting old. Nobody wants to lose their youthful vigor and charm. The thought of facing the complications of old age including the health ailments arising due to old age scares the hell out of us. But there are some people who get panic attacks at the very thought of growing old which ultimately takes the form of Gerascophobia wherein an individual goes through constant fear of growing old. This phobia affects one’s life severely thus making one’s life miserable and pathetic.

Aging is an unavoidable fact of life that all of us have to experience, sooner or later. However, we remain so apprehensive about our imminent old age that we focus more on the ugliness and frailty that old age brings with it, rather than emphasizing on the experiences and wisdom that comes as an added bonus with old age.

Find happiness with your aging process

There are multiple factors related to ageing that makes us fear this process so much. While some people dread the fear of looking undesirable, other get anxious about loneliness, pain and suffering that come as additional package with old age. There are few who get anxious about financial insecurity in old age, and so on.

Nevertheless there are several procedures to embrace old age so that to find contentment with your old age. All you need to do is change your perspective towards old age. Ageing is not a disease; it needs no cure. Rather than focusing on the negative aspects of old age and embracing the changes that old age brings with it, start thinking of old age as something positive.

As you grow older, you develop this desire to stay close to your loved ones; be it your spouse, your children, a relative, or your friends. Keep in touch with your near and dear ones and spend as much time as possible with them. Be with people who love you not for your looks but for being a person with a beautiful heart.

Alternatively, you can also practice yoga and meditation to bring calmness and peace into your mind and body. Yoga and meditation are known for their rejuvenating power and helps you stay young and happy.

Another effective ways of dealing with the fear of ageing is to mingle with people of your age and share your thoughts with them. Since such people are in the same stage as yours, they would understand you better. Be in touch with your friends as the laughter and mirth shared with your friends help you stay strong. There are several ways and means of eliminating your fear of ageing. Get out of your comfort zone and explore life rather than confining yourself within the four walls of your room and allowing all pessimistic thoughts to accumulate in your mind. Simultaneously, learn to accept the fact that ageing is a normal process and a universal truth that every mortal has to undergo with time. Instead of sulking, concentrate on your present moment, enjoy life and find out ways to age gracefully!