Break Through Fear and Self Doubt by James Nsien II - HTML preview

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Chapter 36

Do Away With Your Fear of the Unknown

It is a known fact that success can be achieved only when we take risks. At times, the urge of taking risks pushes us into an untried territory. Each time an individual comes across a unknown situation, a certain fear grips him thus thwarting him from making the correct choices in life. In such situations, an individual usually tends to shun the difficult circumstances, and ends up losing some great opportunities in life. To enjoy better opportunities, an individual should be determined to step out of his/her comfort zone; however, fear of the unknown stops them from leaving the protective wings of their comfort zone.

The fear of the unknown acts as a mental impediment that hinders your ability of performing actions with confidence. However, by adding in certain changes in life you can eliminate the ‘fear of the unknown’ from your mind. The “unknown” may symbolize different things for each people. While some people are scared of the unfamiliarity of the new circumstances they are going to come across, others are scared of not being in control of a specific situation. It is lack of self-confidence that gives birth to this irrational fear.

Embracing the unknown and destroying the fear…

We human beings are always scared to step out of our comfort zone for diminishing risk but deep inside our heart we know that a courageous approach towards life has its own advantages. Once you set yourself free from your comfort zone, and experience the unknown, you get the opportunity of discovering several opportunities to transform your life, personally as well as professionally. In order to explore those opportunities, you need to identify the real cause behind your fear. Once you discover the situations that make you terrified or nervous, it becomes easy to overcome your fear. Experts suggest that human beings fear the unknown as they are unaware of the facts that cause the fear. Thus, it is imperative to educate yourself so as to become alert of the fear- causing facts. Once you become aware of the actual risks and realities concerning your fear, it becomes easy to deal it.

There is another procedure to trounce the fear of the unknown. Try visualizing some of your fears in your mind and then take some fruitful steps to conquer those fears. Think about the different procedures that you will embark on to conquer your fears. Practice this technique of visualization everyday so that you can feel better and conquer your fear. At the same time, practice meditation so that you can focus on your fears causing this phobia. Once you face those fears, you will realize that they are pretty harmless. For instance, many people suffer from stage fear while addressing a huge crowd. In order to overcome this fear, try to speak in the presence of a small group consisting of your friends and family. This small step is a great way to combat your fear.

Life is full of surprises and can change at any moment. Therefore, you should be always ready to adapt to the changes. Rather than worrying about this uncertainty, you should welcome them with open arms, thus enjoying the adventures of life.