Butterflies are Free to Fly by Stephen Davis - HTML preview

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How is “reality” created from The Field?

Most quantum physicists agree it is a very similar process to the creation of a hologram. In other words, the universe we see is a “holographic universe.”


When we look at some of the scientific views of ‘reality’ that have tried to get down, down, down to the nitty-gritty, we see at its ultimate level… that reality is not solid – it’s mostly empty space – and whatever solidity it has seems more to resemble a hologram picture rather than material, harsh, solid reality.”1


University of London physicist David Bohm, for example, believes… that despite its apparent solidity, the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram.”2


Let’s back up for a minute….

Quantum Physics is actually a science of mathematics, and it is the most accurate mathematical science to date to explain what we see in our “reality.”


Quantum mathematics – which is, in our belief, the most fundamental mathematics, the most accurate mathematical description of nature that we have discovered – this mathematics shows us clearly that the movements of objects are describable only in terms of possibilities, not the actual events that happen in our experience.”3


The mathematics used in quantum physics to “describe nature” and explain the behavior we see in our “reality” is also the same mathematics used to create a hologram. This is why quantum physicists say the universe seems to be more like a hologram than solid reality.

So, to understand the “holographic universe,” we have to understand how a hologram is created. But first, a very brief background….

Holography was invented by a Hungarian physicist, Dennis Gabor, for which he received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1971. But it was not until the laser was invented in 1960 that holography became workable and practicable. Today it is used for many things, including credit cards and product packaging.

There are actually three different kinds of holograms, some using lasers and others using white light. But let’s talk about the basic laser process for creating a hologram, in simplified form.

The first thing to understand about creating a hologram is that it is a two-step process.