Butterflies are Free to Fly by Stephen Davis - HTML preview

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So from now on I will refer to the Infinite I as the one who chooses the precise wave frequencies in The Field and downloads them to a human brain, which then converts them into space/time particles and out pops our “reality.”




Before we go on, I want to be very clear about this Infinite I, because I don’t want any confusion with other concepts you may have developed inside the movie theater.

The Infinite I is not your “higher self” or “expanded self.” There are two things wrong with the term “higher self;” one is the word “higher,” and the other is the word “self.”

First, “higher” has no relevance here. It's a judgment word, a comparison, and we will soon see that judgment is the glue that keeps the illusions together inside the movie theater. The word “self” implies that what we think of as our “self” has a higher version. But what we think of as our “self” is not true – any of it. In fact, where we're headed with all this is toward “no-self.” So the last thing we want to think of in terms of the Infinite I is that it is some expanded version of us. It’s not.

Nor is the Infinite I some “advanced” or “spiritualized” or “ascended” or “purified” or “better” version of you. It is not some “enlightened” or “evolved” or “avatar” or “holy” version of you, either. It is not something you will ever grow into being. You will never “become” your Infinite I, no matter what you do, how “good” you are, how much you meditate or eat only organic food, or pray, or perform certain ceremonies or rituals.

It is not “God,” or “All That Is,” or Allah, or Jehovah, or Yahweh, or “The Source” either.

It is also not your super consciousness, objective consciousness, Buddhic consciousness, God-consciousness, Christ consciousness, universal consciousness, or cosmic consciousness. Those are all movie-theater versions of the truth, and therefore skewed. It is consciousness, yes – your consciousness; but not the consciousness you experience as a human being, which is self-consciousness.

Although you are in constant communication with your Infinite I (whether you realize it or not), you and it exist in entirely different worlds – on different sides of The Field. The best analogy I can think of is an astronaut on the moon, representing “you,” and Mission Control in Houston, representing your Infinite I, with all that space (The Field) in between. I like this analogy because not only did your Infinite I send you to the moon in the first place, but it is also your best friend and partner in this adventure.

But then what is the Infinite I, you ask? Good question.

I don’t know. I know from direct experience of testing and challenging the model that my Infinite I exists, and it created me and your Infinite I created you. I can tell you what it’s not, but I cannot tell you what it is yet; and as I said, I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to tell you what it is, in truth, as long as we are on this side of The Field. The only thing I can say in all my dealings and contacts with my own Infinite I, it is something I would be proud to take home to meet the parents.


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So here is the “Consciousness Model” in a nutshell….

Your Infinite I chooses an experience for you in the form of wave frequencies from an infinite number of possibilities in The Field and downloads them to your brain. Your brain receives those wave frequencies and translates them into physical “reality,” and sends them “out there” for your senses to perceive. You assign power to the holographic universe you perceive to make it "real" and to the persons, places, and things you see.

But this suggests that there is nothing you can see, hear, taste, feel, smell, or experience in any way that your Infinite I has not chosen for you to experience and then sent to your brain to process into “reality.” Every moment of every experience you have now – or have ever had and will ever have – has been carefully chosen and created for you by your Infinite I, exactly the way it is and exactly the way your Infinite I wants it to be, down to the smallest detail. Remember…