Champions are Born, Losers are Made by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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Principle 4: Build Champion Habits

Champions are born not made. On the other hand, habits are made not born. Our habits, good or bad, are developed over our lifetime. They reflect the things we believe, the things we read and listen to, and our choices in friends.

Every habit you possess has been developed. You don’t have any habits that came to you at birth. I often say that a birth certificate gives people the right to achieve their dreams. But, a birth certificate does not give you your set of habits. Those are built and developed.

You weren’t born brushing your teeth. You had to develop that habit. Do you ever miss a day of brushing your teeth? Of course not. That’s the power of a habit. So, let’s look at different habits.

What are loser habits? Before we consider the habits of Champions, let’s look at what not to do. Here are a couple of characteristic habits of losers:

Focus on Money

One of the things I’ve observed is that losers are almost always focused on money. They don’t have it, they want it, and they will do anything to get it. When people chase money, they end up broke. Contrary to what you have heard, money is not the root of all evil; the love of money is. Loving money will lead to petty (or larger) theft, cheating, gambling, and all kinds of corruptions. Champions are focused on serving; losers are focused on money. If you serve from a pure heart, money will follow.

Here’s another problem with love of money: the law of sowing and reaping. People that are focused on money are sowing the seed of greed everywhere they go. Trust me; that little crop will come up. They will reap their own greed in many situations from their own employees, their clients, their vendors, their business partners, etc.

Education Obsession

First, let me say that education is good. I have a degree, and I believe education can serve a clear and fine purpose in our development. But, to see education as a synonym for success is one of the signs of losers. Getting a diploma is only one step of preparation. It doesn’t matter whether you’re educated or not; you still have to “Find Your Why and Fly.” You still need to separate from bad and negative influences; you still need to be an icebreaker, and all the other things that mark Champions. Always remember that talent outweighs education (or a resumé) any day.

What are Championship habits? Just as you can spot eagles high in the air because of the way they fly, you can spot Champions according to their habits. Here are a few:

Write Your Why Card and Make a Habit of Reading It

This is one of the biggest secrets to success I know. Just go to the Appendix and read about the power of a Why Card for the details. A Why Card is a simple way to capture Why you are on this earth. Your Why is your compelling reason for living. Make a habit of daily reading your Why Card. With every challenge or obstacle in life that you face, simply face it head on and READ YOUR WHY CARD. Start internalizing your Why in your mind, your heart and your spirit. It will change your life forever, and you will never go back to that point you were at before you found your “Why.”

Speak Positive Words

I’ve found that Americans don’t understand the power of words like some cultures do. When we speak words, those words take on a life of their own. Just as negative words spoken by our parents have deep power in our lives, so do positive words. You can literally change the

environment of your life by speaking a blessing to your family, your car, your house, your job, your bank account, your dreams, your sales calls, everything. That means telling yourself the truth!

Tell yourself out loud – “I am a Champion. I’ve been destined to achieve and I fully expect greatness in my life today. I will break records in my business, prospecting, recruiting, or showing properties (whatever is unique to your own path). I will soar like an eagle.” Bombard yourself with true words. Blast the negative thoughts right out of yourself and your environment.

Choose Your Own Title and Credentials

You don’t have to use the same job title and credentials that most people choose. A national sales manager out in Dallas has Chief Concierge as his job title. I love that! Others may write Sales Manager. That same person sees his role as similar to what a concierge in a hotel does. . . “You want it, you need it, and I’ll get it for you!” He is service oriented. Just like some people have BS, MA, PhD after their name (indicating the level of education or certification they have attained), why not put MCM (for Motivational Club Member) or SG (Smile Giver) after yours? If you think that’s silly, then you are not serious about becoming a Champion leader in life instead of following the crowd.

My point here is not that Champions make a habit of trying to be different. Rather, Champions know their life is their own. So, they make a habit of designing it. Disregard traditional titles. You know you and your “Why” better than anyone else so be bold and design

your life. Your life is yours to operate so don’t base it on someone else or society’s job descriptions. Put whatever you want on your business card.

Read Personal Development Materials Champions make a habit of reading positive, uplifting, encouraging, and inspiring books, articles, and other materials. Losers waste their time with the wrong kind of reading material (if they read at all). Just as you are careful about which foods to take into your body, you have to show as much or more care with what you take into your mind. That’s why Champions only digest those ideas, those stories, and those challenges that build up rather than pollute their mind.

Join Positive and Faith-Filled Events

While losers are watching TV, Champions make a habit of immersing themselves in live or video training seminars, Monday night Motivational Club sessions, and CDs of Champions (like mine and other positive teachers). If you desire to become a success addict, then you have to make a habit of eating, drinking, breathing success.


If you want to be magnificently successful, you need to know the one victory secret that all Champions have in common. That one thing is the habit of generous giving. When you sow generosity, you also reap generosity. On the same note, selfishness and miserly attitudes about money will reap miserable results. Stingy people do not become successful. Champions believe this statement; therefore, they build a habit of giving, giving, giving, and then giving some more. Always remember that habits predict your future so diligently form the ones that will give you the future you want. It’s your life. Be there.